[Artela]&[USWP] The Value of Loyalty

Tag 1,975, 12:38 Veröffentlicht in USA Großbritannien von Artela

For those who have been around the USA for a while my name is probably synonymous with that of my party, the United States Workers Party (USWP). For a little while I have been less active than I should have been within the party, taking some time out to sit a lower tier party for the ATO effort and letting others take the lead within the USWP. Last night I handed off that lower tier party so that I could fully return to the USWP. It is no secret that there have been a few problems with the party for some time, and our slide from our glorious first position party of the past has been a slow decay that now must be halted and reversed.

USWP is my party. For better or worse, I will not abandon it while hope for its survival remains.

Those who know me know about my loyalty.

…Loyalty to friends

…Loyalty to Party

…Loyalty to Country

Consequently I will not be among those who have decided to abandon the party. I will stay loyal to the party I have loved ever since I set foot on the shores of eAmerica. And so I am taking steps to make sure that everyone knows that I think my party is something valuable, something worth fighting for, something worth keeping to ensure a strong, safe and diverse political landscape in America.

I will fight for USWP.

I will fight for it to survive and thrive, and I invite all with USWP in their hearts, all USWPers past, present and future, to join me in doing the same.

Forget your differences. Forget past grievances. Diversity should make us stronger, not pull us apart! Help preserve something worth keeping. Help make USWP something to be truly proud of again.

The USWP has a long and proud history. We have had 16 Country Presidents lead this country from USWP since it was formed, and between them they have led the country for 24 months. We were the number one party in the USA for the longest time. We regularly punched above our weight in Congress elections, and had more than 50% of the seats there at one time.

So, what went wrong? How did a great and proud party who had it all lose it?

A large part of what went wrong was a tendency as a party to concentrate on national politics to the exclusion of party politics. While concentrating on national politics we, as a party, forgot that we still need to concentrate on the party itself, on the people in the party, on the new people who join, and even on the old people who have ‘been there, done that’ but that still have valuable contributions to make. We devalued the worth of those who wished to be involved only at a party level and did not give them their deserved support or recognition. We need to acknowledge that without the people there *is* no party, and people need a reason to stay.

As a result of all that we have also suffered from general apathy, with those who remained quite content to just let a couple of people carry all the burden of doing everything. While this is sustainable for a short time it gives no opportunities to educate the next generation of party members, it gives no room for growth of individuals in the party, and it is counter-productive in the long term. And if we don’t allow people to grow *within* the party, how will they learn and grow to then move on to the national politics stage? We need to recognize that a party is built on collaboration, not on dictatorship, and certainly not on the laziness of the majority. And we *all*need to contribute in whatever ways we can for our party to succeed. We need to educate our people in the mechanics of both the game and the politics involved, and we need to create future leaders through encouragement and support to rise up through the party ranks.

So, what is being done to fix this mess we have gotten ourselves into?

What is the way forward?

We have new party programs that have either already started or that are in planning to help new party members, like the free food and weapons program: tinyurl.com/BR4iNsf0rz0MBi3s . We have people eager to make these programs work. We have many members being active in the media (some links below to their most recent efforts). So we have active people who just all need to pull together.

It is my hope that with everyone working together we can stop the slide, that we can make this the party of awesomeness that it used to always be, that we can make a strong party full of capable people who can help not only secure the future of the party but also continue to keep this great nation equipped with capable potential leaders for the future.

USWP Media

"Energy Use In Erepublik" by Squantoo

"Not again..." by Stalinov

"Why USWP?" by Ryan Fisher

"This is not a Fairy Tale" by Agent ballerina

"*Shore Leave* Star Trek: The Motion Picture Review" by Dauntless2000

"Tips for new players & other" by Thern alpha

All the best

Artela’s wiki

It is traditional for me to end my articles with a bunch of links for you, hopefully with information you'll find useful...

Recommended Reading:

| Our Country President’s newspaper | Our Party President’s newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education
Dept of Interior | White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio |

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