Укидање кутија са алатом - интервју са (б)Админом

Day 1,520, 04:28 Published in Serbia Serbia by Nerazuman Lavirint

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С обзиром на то да је Платон најавио укидање кутија са алатом, многи од нас нолајфера су почели да паниче, страхујући да ће се економски модул потпуно променити, да ће њихове, у иностранству тешком муком купљене, фирме пропасти и да више неће моћи да зарађују за бустере.

Међутим, нема разлога за панику! Ја сам украо интервју неког Американца са (б)Админом, и каже (б)Админ:

- САМО ће кутије са алатом бити укинуте!
- и даље ћемо моћи да радимо као менаџери у фирмама!
- имамо недељу дана да искористимо све кутије са алатом које имамо у складишту!
- неће бити других промена у економском модулу!

Ако неког занима, ево украдени интервју 🙂

[12:31] < @XtaSia> dodial: nu skill will be introduced
[12:31] < @XtaSia> and working for your own land is not in our plans of being removed
[12:31] < @XtaSia> no*
[12:32] < bogdymol> XtaSia: what happens after this few last days of tool boxes?
[12:34] < dermont|afk> XtaSia
[12:34] < dermont|afk> no skill or new skills?
[12:34] < sumc> major problem would be to terminate the manager job
[12:34] < LowRider> meaning: GM work will be removed in 2 months😁
[12:34] < @XtaSia> No skill
[12:34] < shadowukcs> XtaSia what happens if you have a 30-40 toolboxes and it's impossible to use them all up in the next "few days"
[12:34] < @XtaSia> and to be clear... WORKING FOR YOUR OWN LAND will stay the same
[12:35] < bogdymol> XtaSia: ok, admins remove the tool boxes, no problem with that... but what are the next changes going to happen after this?
[12:36] < shadowukcs> XtaSia, you're the only good admin. You know that the community loves you, but can you PLEASE tell someone in that godwretches company we call erep labs to release some sort of article/press release or any other form of communication towards the community about what changes we can expect in the near future in regards to the economy module?
[12:37] < @XtaSia> guys, shadowukcs I am amazed how everything turned out to be
[12:37] < bogdymol> you still have not answered my question
[12:37] < @XtaSia> I need to insist on telling you that we are not going to make any other changes, except the toolbox one
[12:38] < bogdymol> ok
[12:38] < bogdymol>
[12:38] < @XtaSia> the Economic module won`t get new skills, managers will still work for their own companies
[12:38] < @XtaSia> we are not going to modify anything else

....[some more bitching]...

[12:41] < shadowukcs> yes, what about the parts and stuff? I have many parts left. Will they be deleted? will there be a compensation for them or will we just be able to use them up? And what is "a few days"? It's rather extremely vague, isn't it?
[12:43] < @XtaSia> few days... it`s actually next week

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