[真實] 生活&福利圖:關於新人的大作戰(07期)

Day 1,688, 03:26 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by YomiYuri
[真實] 生活&福利圖:關於新人的大作戰(07期)
[Truth] Life & welfare: Plans about staying new player


  I received a letter that inform me to join a translate group in Ministry of Education, and they told me I can translate foreign news at my pace. So, I have one more title. Actually, I really want to be a common citizen because of I feel good when I contribute as a civilian. XD


  My last newspaper talked about admissions that I do it in my personal identification, so everyone can repost those poster in order to recruit new players. And at last time I was looking for some players who want to increase downline, and I will publish it in my newspaper but not to publish your welfare to avoid suspicion of competition.


  There are many situations are similar with our real life in this world, but this is JUST a GAME so we can't stay everyone and also can't make anyone to join us with a tough wrist. But no matter for what reason, everyone stays here in their own voluntary. So I propose to improve the survival of new players.


  I joined this game is almost full a year, and I stay because my friends told me there is an economic module. I have some interests in it, so I want to try it. My friends told me that I can untie all functions when I reach level 15, so I did it.


  However, why I stayed?


  Nothing special. I re-do the same clicks without using my brain. And because of a bad experience in the past, I avoided to join any group. And some days pasted, I noticed a conflict between our nation and ePH, so I started to read newspapers.


  Reading newspapers here is like reading articles in some forums, and sometimes I found something sun and laughed without controlled. (So, hurry to write more fun newspapers!)


  But except for people who have more free time to play this game, where are more attractive factors in this world?


  I think it's activities.


  Whether it is initiated by the government or civil. Guess games, some interested risks, even if write articles or draw pictures!


  I think it's important to have the "sense of participation". Though it may be an only way to have it in political circles in this game.


  A person in a free platform access cannot be subject to limit, so I consider to increase the game's interests is the first step of improving the survival of new players. And the new players can choose to participate these activities or not, it might be inspired from their upline. Because the interest of each person is different, and the type of activity must be rich.


  SO, I want to search for someone who want to hold activities and compose a LINE with my newspaper. There isn't any limit between us, the LINE is used to propagate when the like-minded hold activities.


  I hope everyone will have willing to participate in this plan. And I hope this plan will be sustainable, until the chicken died.


  According to this article, if you want to participate in this plan, please contact me.