Zombies, Part Two, plus a few other points of course...

Day 623, 10:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BaronChris

I don't usually go off topic, but I will make an exception for this topic. I am currently watching 28 weeks later, which I did get from Blockbusters ironically, but I only just realised that I dislike the fact that us British are incapable of fixing our disputes and have to call the Americans in to do everything for us- as well as an American colonel who looks suspiciously like that one from the Halo games.

Before I continue, I will just mention to some of you guys who have read the Daily Baron for a while, and might be wondering, "Baron, you devilishly suave Brit, why have you changed the name of the newspaper?" To that I would reply, I am now working for a new online magazine, The Antagonist Online , who have agreed for me to let me carry on writing my blogs on here and on there. I hope to see you all on the forums soon! The Antagonist goes live in two weeks, and I'm quite excited.

As I am a sad person, and don't usually get out, so I decide to think of improbable/impossible situations and think how I might survive; even though I know that I would probably be taken by surprise whilst doing my weekly pen steal at Argos. Well, I will post what I would do in such an event, some would call Z-Day. This is, the day when zombies come. Catchy, eh?

I'm interested in what you guys think, so post your replies to the questions. I have done what I would do.

What goes into a Zombie Survival Plan?

* Contents of your Survival Bag
A rucksack with soaps, wind up torch, sleeping bag, change of clothes (only one or two), swiss army knife, axe (for wood and pesky zombies), painkillers, pack of cards, wind-up radio (for entertainment and to keep tabs of the outside world), firelighters and a bottle or two of whisky.

* Evacuation or fortification plan
I would try most probably hide within my house, smashing out the stairs, to stop zombies getting to me. If I had a team with me (see later), I would blockade my front drive, or maybe part of the road, so we had a bigger area to work in, but also defend (alas). Branching out to houses either side of mine, could make room for more people and a communications area.

* Your preferences for weaponry, provisions, and gear
Naturally, I would try to get a weapon for blunt trauma, say a metal pole? Also, I would use my arcery bows and sharp severing work tools. If I could get my hands on a gun, it would be brilliant, but travelling to people who had them, would prove risky. For food, I would stick to rice, dried fruits and canned goods, which are easy to loot and last longer than most foods. Honey is also good, as it contains natural sugar for energy and never goes off. I would be wearing my paintball gear, which gives vital extra layers to a person, to decrease the risk of being bitten.

* Your Zombie-killing playlist
Kings of Cydonia-Muse
This is Life-Amy McDonald
Don't Stop me now-Queen
Ace of Spades- Motorhead
Get it on- Marc Bolan and T-Rex

* Lists of allies, reliable resources, sources of critical information
I would try to get my hands on anyone I could. To be fair, If it happens (which I know is minimal)...come find me.

* Outline of your short-term and long-term strategies
After I have hidden for the first few weeks, and the worst is over, I would try and branch out slowly, seeing the state of everything, maybe a mile a day. If there are still alot of zombies, you stay inside untill there are less.

* Anything else you can think of...
The irony of it, is that I will be killed first, off guard while shopping for the leather coat I would wear whilst it happened.

Baron Chris
soon to be www.theantagonistonline.com