Young Patriots for New Players

Day 2,679, 12:35 Published in South Africa Serbia by Stormjaer

Dear Fellow Party members and other members of the Republik

If you are reading this , it means you care , well at least enough to have clicked here!

The Young Patriots or (YP) for short, was founded and is funded with the purpose of providing a safe haven for new eSA players.

We are here to assist all Young Patriots of eSA and give them the opportunity to become a strong player in strength, and also grow politically.

We live by the following Rules:

• To fight and stand up against all cheating by way of multi’s.
• To support young soldiers in the eSAAF (eSouth African Armed Forces).
• To support other political parties associated with our MU.
• To help younger players grow and become stronger.
• To follow when led and to lead when asked to.

And Never forget... To MOER

We have grown to a membership of 14 in a short while and will continue to grow and take a firm seat in eSA.

Please note that even though we might not all be in the same political party ,all parties and players that are part of the eSAAF Military Unit will unite against Cheating or unfair discrimination and will join hands on the battlefield.

Proudly e-South African , Proudly Young Patriots