Yesterday #2

Day 2,738, 12:30 Published in United Kingdom Canada by TommyMack

Hello ERepublik

After some 1000+ days out of the game. I have made my return.

I must admit the game has changed some what since I was last a part and from average player levels, it would appear I have some work to do! But Im glad to be back, but not in like a creepy "I miss you" text from your ex kind of way, don't worry!

From the UK the last I remember was having only a few regions and struggling on the world stage, so I'm glad to see a new, much improved UK force. I will have to catch up on what exactly caused a great turn around I'm sure it is not the great turns of time and much laiseez faire.

Hopefully with a bit more time and work I will be back up to speed with everything going on in the world! I look forward to people reading this little newspaper and speaking to you all again.

YTT Owner