witherd1 for CP - No joints allowed!

Day 1,591, 02:40 Published in Australia Australia by witherd1

This term is going to see a very interesting CP election in eAustralia. On the one side, you have two guys, neither of which obviously have the confidence to run in their own right, and so have decided to run for CP together, to share the Presidency, it what will surely be a very confusing time for eAustralians, our allies, and no doubt, for the Cabinet.

I'm sure I am not alone in thinking that eAustralia should have ONE Prime Minister, someone who is strong, determined, and diplomatic. Which gives you the other side, me.

In me you will have all those things mentioned above. You will have an experienced knowledgeable Cabinet, that will also make room for new, enthusiastic, upcoming eAustralians. You will have someone that can make a decision on their own, with out any tugging back and forth between "2 CP's".

I will be announcing my Cabinet hopefully by tomorrow, there are just a couple more confirmations I need.

I welcome all questions, feel free to post them here, or take a look at the public debate I have opened in the Public Square on our forums... http://community.auserepublik.com/index.php?topic=18411.0 Please stop by for a chat.