With Zaib, a new day for Greek-Israeli relations

Day 745, 14:02 Published in Israel Greece by Che Greco
Sidenote: To all business owners in Tel Aviv, Haifa and more improtantly NAZARETH NORTH DISTRICT: purchase a market license to eGreece for only 5 gold. Licenses cannot be used while Greece v Israel war is active but they are good investment for the future.
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Greek and Israeli relations have never been stable. The basis of our relationship was "my enemy's enemy is my friend," but this was never enough to strengthen ties between our two nations even though we both suffered occupation under the same Barbarian occupier.

Recently though I've had the pleasure of working with two great eIsraeli presidents Cjwillwin and Zaib Atsu. With the former we signed the first MPP between our two nations, at cjwillwin's request to help us in our fights against Turkey, even though we were both aware of the open war that would be created between Israel and Turkey.

With Zaib I've had more time to work as we both tried to figure out a way that would help both eGreece and eIsrael. When first talking with Zaib, it was evident that he had his country's best interests as his ONLY priority. And this worried me. Yes, it worried me because eIsrael's interests could have very well conflicted with eGreece's interests.

Zaib was forced to obey to eTurkey's request to have training wars with our former Barbarian occupiers and another 7 other EDEN enemies. This was the deal Zaib had to accept in order to protect his country from complete destruction. These training wars however were creating a problem for us and the fact remained that eTurkey has proven to be nothing lass of an eBarbarian by occupying useless regions in the past just to gloat their strenth. So it really was a matter of time before eTurkey started its attacks again to wipe Israel off the map (remember they refused to sign MPP with eIsrael many times in the past).

So I approached Zaib and informed him of retaining Haifa to close off Israel's border with Turkey. We also discussed the possibility of having train wars with eGreece and eIsrael afterwards since eIsrael would never be under the threat of another barbarian attack. This was a plan that Zaib took quite a while to think in order to assure it would not have any adverse effects to his country. In the end Zaib decided against the TW since the embargoes against countries like the eUSA would harm eIsrael's economy but also because Zaib wanted to maintain MPPs with the US and Croatia to allow Israel to help its allies the way they helped eIsrael, a very noble act.

So here we are, almost 10 months after our countries both gained their independence and I can finally say that eGreece and eIsrael have reached a new level of cooperation, one beyond just allies on paper but perhaps even good friends. By taking Haifa we understand this region does not belong to us but will remain under our protection until Israel decides to take it back. During this time Israel will be allowed to develop and sign MPPs only with countries it wishes to help and not just out of necessity to remain on the map. We can also still have TWs without activating any MPPs just between our 2 countries, either to increase wellness or just to keep new players more interested in the game (maybe even spur a baby boom?).

Finally, as you may have noticed over the past month I did my best to stay out of eIsrael's internal affairs. One thing I hate in this game is bigger countries turning smaller countries into puppet states. Reaching today's goal was a common coordination effort between eGreece and eIsrael ensuring cooperation between our two nations into the future. While I cannot endorse any candidate for tomorrow's elections (my VP has been in contact with Franz Kafka and he seems to have also agreed with this idea and interested to retain good relations between our two nations) I can say that eIsrael is very lucky to have a president like Zaib.

I wish both candidates good luck but will thank Zaib especially for helping restore both our countries' relations, an act that was long overdue.