Why I (Nelsaidi) Joined PCP

Day 220, 10:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nelsaidi

Contrary to reports, I didn’t join the PCP to spy and find out how come they were doing so well lately…
Not did I join because the massed ranks of the KGB knocked on my door one night and forced me to…
I joined PCP because I think it is the best party to take the e-uk forward.

There are many GM’s who may be nervous about joining the PCP because of a fear that they their policies will stifle innovation and enterprise. But....
As a responsible GM I feel their economic policies suit my way of thinking.
(I could talk here about the irresponsible and selfish practices of some other e-uk companies but I won’t….)

To me, the workers are the most important people in the e-uk. So…

· I am a socially responsible employer and I care about my employees.
· I offer good wages.
· I sell Q4 food at reasonable prices.
· I look after my workers and try to make sure they’re happy… for example I give them all 20 gbp on their birthday and
· I also give them compensation of 20gbp if they have a genuine grievance against me as their employer.. (which can happen sometimes as none of us are perfect…)

AND I run a very successful company!

So for those of you that think business and communism are at odds with each other… think again!