Why I'm Thankful for eFrance

Day 1,114, 22:25 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

Ah, the adrenaline rush of fighting the enemy on your own soil.

It's different than when on the offensive, in foreign lands. In our battle against the UK, where we took most of their regions, there was rarely intensity. As a soldier, fighting far from home, far from loved ones, far from what I knew, far from what was familiar, I was doing what I had enlisted to do when I joined the Canadian Armed Forces. But there was a disconnect between mind and heart. My mind was there, my mind was engaged. But my heart was not. We eCanadians had been there since Acacia Mason famously "Pressed teh Button". I had been there for 6 weeks, since I re-enlisted. It had become a dreary experience - we were mostly holed up in conquered British barracks. Rain was an almost daily experience. A bone-chilling cold had begun to settle in. The smell of must was all-pervasive.

But during the last week, when we had lost all our Maritime provinces, as well as Quebec, and the near loss of Ontario, there was adrenaline pumping through my veins. The CAF, with brothers-in-arms The Cirmson Order, and the mighty in Spirit Praetors, as well as ordinary Canadian citizens, fought with zeal to repel the foreign invaders. We owe so much to EDEN as well, but that is not why I write this article.

I write this article to offer my heartfelt thanks to the French.

1. For awakening my heart. A fire began to burn within. eCanada had been invaded, and we were no longer whole. (We still aren't). But now my heart was engaged, and I was doing all I could personally, to see that I did my utmost to defend my lands, and to halt the advance of the enemy hordes. Fighting for something I believed in, fighting for something I had an invested interest in, fighting for my family, fighting for you - my neighbours, and fighting for eCanadians I have not met, ready to exert my all until I was spent, physically and emotionally.

2. To be able to watching other eCanadians, either as individuals or organized groups, go over and above the call of duty, to stand on guard for our nation. To be inspired by the generous example of eCanadians of today, and to be reminded of the same spirit of generousity of eCanadians of yesterday.

3. But most of all, because of this:

Because the French did for us, what we could not do for ourselves - restoring our capital to Ottawa, our rightful and proper national capital. An injustice perpetrated upon us more than 14 months ago, when the French, Huns, and Iranians occupied our beloved lands - and forced our capital to relocate to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

My heart lept as I was once again, in Ottawa, able to watch this great ceremony:

Home. I'm sure even the politicians were rejoicing that they could return to their usual haunts.
No, the eFrench have not yet been exterminated from our lands, but the eradication has begun, with the return of Quebec, and the soothing knowledge that Ottawa has regained her rightful status as the capital of eCanada.

All is not well. But it soon will be...my awakened, joyful heart tells me so!