Why both Remaining in Eden or Joining ONE is Defensible.

Day 1,459, 20:28 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

Having read JsBoutin and SAWC’s articles – and more interestingly the shot of our Prime Minister’s post in Closed Door Congress – I can understand their outrage. I can also appreciate Addy’s, in that I’m convinced that even this mere discussion he is having – is increasing the excitement level in a game that can become quickly boring.

I consider myself as a mostly a role player, and as such, find the suggestion – even the mere consideration of joining ONE – to be abhorrent. We have always been part of the ‘good guys’, liberating oppressed nations and sticking with our allies – never abandoning them. Even though we don’t come close to being a ‘game changer’, our allies have always been able to count on us. Even though we have had allies switch alliances – Spain, Poland and the most glaring example of the UK, we have never had an alliance dissolve because of our actions. Why, we have even been the “Bigger” nation in that we have mended fences with former enemies in order to call them ‘friends’ (Russia being one of them). In addition, being an older player (I'm more than 2 years here), I can appreciate our history. Younger players may not be able to.

To switch to ONE would change all that. We would be the backstabbers. Ireland would be outraged, perpetually surrounded by ONE nations. To turn our backs on our Bromance with our southern neighbours is almost inconceivable. I can remember the days when Tyler F Durden, giant of the Canadian Progressive Front, spearheaded the drive to create such an alliance, and watched its birth and and nurtured it into maturity.
We owe so much to other nations like Romania and Croatia, who have ALWAYS had our backs.

Yet, I understand the desire for international intrigue and scandal which would erupt with our changing alliances. Insofar as game mechanics go, it WOULD make the game more interesting and exciting. But exchanging friendly nations on our borders - giving up Russia, the US, and Ireland, to gain the UK, seems rather short sighted. I fear that we would be perpetually over run by the Ruskies and the Yanks. Maybe some see that as a good thing with the increased excitement – but it could be just the opposite if we found ourselves to be rarely free of foreign crusaders, what with 2 giants on our borders. But having action in our own lands always ruffles our feathers and gets the juices flowing.

So which side of this discussion do you find yourself on? Leave your comments below!