WHPR Day 1490 - Dawn of a New Era

Day 1,490, 16:03 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1490

Dateline: Monday December 19, 2011 (Day 1490)
Location: James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, The White House

To help you get into the spirit of things... Santa Claus is Coming to Town-- Alice Cooper style!

Turkish - American Relations

President Oblige has taken the lead among Terra/EDEN nations in exchanging Mutual Protection Pacts with Turkey. We welcome the government and the people of Turkey as they shake off the shackles of second-class citizenship in a bad partnership, and look forward to adding their military might to our own as we move together to crush ONE.
Turkey is taking action to show their good intentions. Immediately, the Nazereth North District was returned to Israel, and arrangements are under way to restore all of Israel as well as Turkish occupied regions of other EDEN nations. Read [EDEN] A New Era for Turkey for the full The Voice of EDEN report.
Turkey has also trashed their ONE MPP list and is rebuilding it with all new Terra/Eden allies.

WHPR Staff Writer Cody Caine adds;
The Nation of Turkey has joined Eden after some time in ONE. Turkey had joined ONE after a stint in TERRA, and had been a powerful member of ONE.
Frequently causing problems for members of TERRA or EDEN, Turkey recently took control of all Israel. Turkey is now at war with Iran, who was declared the natural enemy of Turkey two days ago. This war with Iran, a member of ONE, is no doubt part of why Turkey has left ONE and Joined EDEN.
Turkey is the sixth ranked country in the eWorld, which is higher than ninth ranked USA. Turkey has 9502 active citizens, where the US has 7876 as of today. These factors should prove to make Turkey a powerful member of Eden, and deal a blow to the strength of ONE.
Turkey currently controls 18 regions, which is further evidence of its standing as a good fighting force, a force that will be a welcomed addition to EDEN.

Operations in Switzerland Shift Gears

Over the weekend, the US and Switzerland exchanged mutual Natural Enemy Laws, so the citizens of Switzerland could benefit from the added Rank Bonus Points as we secured all four of their regions.
Having done this, we are now in the catbird seat, poised to jump in any direction. Whether we move against Poland, Serbia or Slovenia, or all three, we have the strategic position and unified Terra/EDEN strength to deal heavy justice to ONE in Europe.
The United States and Terra/EDEN thank Swiss President Rican and the people of Switzerland for their hospitality, and will work with them to restore their nation's regions to them in time for the upcoming Congress elections.
Overnight, Poland attacked US-held Deutschschweiz, so extraction won't be as simple as helping Switzerland win a few Resistance Wars. Freedom is never easy.

Polish Natural Enemy Law

Immediately at the conclusion of the final Swiss battle, President Oblige Proposed a new Natural Enemy Law against Poland. Poland's NE against the US is already in place, they're ready for us.

WHPR Grab Bags
Santa Oblige knows if you've been naughty or nice, but he doesn't care.
As long as you've got a few bucks saved up, you can take part in the next Grab Bags event, planned for this week. Proceeds of this fundraiser will help finance an upcoming Arm America event, to supply free Q5 Tanks and Food to American and Allied fighters as we roll across Europe freeing Polish-held regions.

Watch this and other Official US Government publications for details.

"For the first time, the balance of power in the eWorld has begun to shift, not only on the single battlefield, but as part of a New World Order-- that doesn't include ONE at the center."

Be sure to read, comment and subscribe to President Oblige's newspaper, The Savior.

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George Armstrong Custer and Cody Caine
White House Press Report Staff Writers
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