WHPR[Day 1373] - Game On

Day 1,373, 21:19 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

It’s Game Time.

Yep, it's Congressional Elections again.

For the newer players, here’s wassup:

eRepublik allows only the top 5 Political Parties to run candidates for Congress. So you will be able to choose from among candidates (some of whom may actually be members of other non-top-5 parties but have been granted a slot for their candidacy) running under the following 5 parties:

The Federalist Party
The Libertarian Party

Each party may run as many candidates as they want in each state, but can only officially endorse one candidate per state. Also, if only one candidate appears in a state, that candidate receives the endorsement de facto.

Parties do not always want to officially endorse candidates in every state because they may not have enough people who are both interested and qualified. In those cases, “blockers” will be “endorsed” officially, but they are not there to receive votes.

The “blocker” is there to prevent an anti-American from gaining an opportunity to run for congress where he or she can sort of screw things up, primarily by granting more anti-Americans citizenship. Blockers are not there to win, they are there to prevent an enemy of eUSA from gaining a seat in Congress.

In short, don’t vote for a candidate who claims to be a blocker.

Sometimes a rogue anti-eAmerican citizen gains a spot in a state. Such is the case this month in Wyoming where the notorious Pizza the Hut managed to slither onto the ballot. President Cerb asks all Americans to remember that he is officially an Enemy of the State and it is considered treasonous to vote for him or endorse his candidacy.

There are several fine articles published this month with endorsements. If you don’t know whom to vote for, look for one of them in the news feeds. Otherwise PM a Party President or a Deputy Secretary of Media who will surely send you some advice as to which candidate from their party is most urgently in need of your support. Many times a Party will financially support your move to another state so that you can vote for an official candidate rather than vote for a blocker or worse. Remember you can only vote for a candidate in the state of your current residence, but you can always move prior to voting.

Voting in Congressional Elections is really a community affair. We all work together to try and elect the most qualified, loyal, and dedicated candidates regardless of which Party they hail from.

One enduringly awesome vestige from the Blank Keating administration is the mid-term report for the President. This month, President Cerb is asking every citizen to take a moment to visit this GoogleDoc and let him (and the eNation) know how you feel about this Administration’s performance.

Cerb has committed to a high level of transparency, so expect to see the results of this survey published in the very near future. He has already published his own report card which you ought to read.

(damn that's a huge image)

One hopefully enduring and equally awesome innovation of the Cerb Administration is eNPR. BlogTalkRadio is a super fun way to become familiar with the various movers and shakers in eUSA. Civil Anarchy and Soren Nelson host and the guest list is always impressive. You can listen while you fight, write, or browse through the Bewbs4Newbs thread. We know you do that.

Anyway, catch it here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/enational-public-radio-cerb

Our initiative against Spain finally stalled so prepare to defend against a Spanish counter-attack. It seems ONE was not entirely ready to have us just stomp through Europe and they came out en force in Aragon. Keep on your toes. Follow DoD orders. Get involved in the USAF or a Militia. eRepublik is all about accumulating Battle stats, so fight as often as your laptop will allow. Let’s keep the hurt on Spain.

If you would like to join the Administrative Team, apply here: Application to serve.

Subscribe to and vote every day for WH Press Room (WHPR), and to the papers listed below

- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

Not in a Military Unit or Militia? Then you’re doing it wrong
US Armed Forces
Seal Team 6
Easy Company
Training Corps

- The Canine Tribune, President Cerb’s paper

Keep clicking fight,
Deputy White House Press Secretary