Whose Interest Do You Fight For?

Day 1,930, 11:30 Published in United Kingdom USA by Viktor Lannister

Battle Orders after Battler Orders, many battle orders. Where exactly do you get your battle orders? Surely citizens have at some point thought why and whom are they fighting for?

Clearly, their is need for transparency within the parochial system of orders. So who exactly does the Military Units get their orders from? Well, many of you citizens believe that your orders come directly from your Military Unit Commanding Officer, OK...yes....probably...at some point. But think outside the box,beyond the military order you belong to. Is it Congress? Is it the President? Or is it the members of a minor party? Who really give the orders.

Citizens deserve and demand the right to know why and whom their fighting for. And to what end do these fight serve. What do these fight accomplish, and how do they serve and benefit the citizens.