When Love's Found, How Long Until The Funk Begins?

Day 2,736, 18:21 Published in USA USA by as George sTrolls
Editor's Note No longer will sexual cuss words with a letter omitted "*" and replaced be allowed on mourningblur's watch, so watch out, he doesn't like anyone, just tolerates some???

Today I recieved this;Plato | 15 hours ago

Dear as George sTrolls,
Recently, you have created content which was declared to be not legal.

You can see all your penalties in your Law Infringements List page.
Best regards,
Your eRepublik team

Turns out, nothing is really revealed, kinda like talking to mourningblur in any game format, he just doesn't like anything but oppression???

I am happy and thrill at today's turn of event's mourningblur has reached out and wants us to notice him, and I thank him for clarifying what's going on!!!

Gold contest Five gold for a screen shot of emerick and the neo nazi in Ohio that the ACLU defended, together... Put them together and you will understand, publish, win five gold