Whats going wrong in the market before and now and what will happen

Day 1,717, 00:08 Published in New Zealand Ireland by gsfdgfs

After reading Mike o connors article which is basically wrong I decided to write an article explaining it properly.

The market is currently locked in a 2 part cycle and probably will be for the near future

When I was E born day 1530ish wrm=30 gold=1750 so whenever anyone got a medal sold the gold and bought a saltpeter mine but very few people bought companies
and over time supply of WRM outweighed demand causing a price freefall.

In what is step 2 of this cycle WRM prices have hit the floor so nobody builds saltpeter mines they save up to build factories so there is far less gold on the market leading to an increase in price of gold up to 3000 this was the case a few weeks ago

But then plato intervenes and increases WRM demand meaning that everyone begins to sell their gold again to build up saltpeter mines and WRM supply increases and gold prices decrease leaving what we have today

The Future

To Put it simply we will go back to stage 2 on roughly day 1800 wrm prices will fall and gold will rocket back up to 3000 so what you should do between no and then is BUY GOLD

Oh and very sorry to ask but I am totally broke so if anyone can send me some tanks it would be vastly appreciated