what will happen in 15 hours?

Day 2,133, 05:26 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

no one can predict the living markets. however, i do warn all business owners to prepare yourselves!

people will no longer need so much food, i am currently have 200 health per 6 mins in 15 hours i will have 10 health per 6 mins. consumptions will at least half. prices will drop.

so do not have huge stop piles of high priced raw food or raw weps. do not have high stockpiles of high priced wages. it might result in either a significant loss. or a loss of storage space while you wait for prices to rise again.

so just be careful!

or if you are ok with taking a significant loss. why not donate your goods to eusa military where they will be used to help collect more resource bonueses!