What WE can offer YOU.

Day 1,832, 03:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pat Harper
Hello everyone.

Liberty fights for the UK, her allies and neutral nations. New players are welcome, there is a relaxed community, positive atmosphere and leadership roles are available.

I am writing this article, to actually tell you WHAT Liberty stands for. Unlike other Military Units, we are completely non-politically orientated, which is why our members love it so much. (I am aware there are other MU’s of the same calibre)

Liberty has had a great history, and I won’t go over the details of that history AGAIN because I’m sure you have all heard it about 100 times. What I AM going to tell you is how we are unique as a unit, how we receive such loyalty from our members, and why YOU should join US!

Our members are from various different parties, and it is refreshing to have a non-tense relationship with each other, regardless of the political enmity. Everyone gets along and treats each other as brothers/sisters.

(UK independence party😉

Liberty is well known for its key policy: Liberty fights for the UK, her allies and neutral nations. New players are welcome, there is a relaxed community, positive atmosphere and leadership roles are available.
The present political situation is not a great one, with people bickering and squabbling with each other, day in and day out. The eUK is more at war with itself than anything else. With the constant threat of invasion we cling by a thread to what is ours.

So what will you benefit from by joining Liberty?

It is a good question. What I can promise you is a friendly, positive atmosphere where everyone is treated as an equal, everyone has a say, be it a Private or a God of War.
There is NO political feuding or prejudice, and no bad mouthing of each others parties. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and are not held back.
Liberty gives the freedom to work wherever you want and to fight wherever and whenever you want; the entire concept of the MU is about choice in a community that is open to anyone, regardless of social or political ideology.
People join Liberty to get AWAY from the politics, not for more.
Daily supplies are given out to everyone, and more to those who rank up! The feed is always full of activity and the Liberty IRC (#Liberty) has always got people inside, willing to talk!
We also give out special packs on events such as Christmas. These include a number of Q7’s and Health.

Liberty is not just an ordinary MU, Liberty is a family, and families care for each other.

I will leave this article with some things I noted in the feeds, compliments from members etc.
Thank you for reading!
-Pat Harper