What is "Unity"?

Day 1,952, 17:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

I've been logging into eRepublik for almost 4 years now and I'm living proof that not everyone on the internet (bar Facebook and the likes) is a basement dweller. I have, as they say, been around the block. Starting my career as a whipper-snapper in the IFP, to founding the first Republican Party in eIreland to helping establish the first Leftist party in eIreland, to founding the Irish Army to running the most successful eIrish Military unit the ICA and now finally, being an all round pest to people with a much smaller brain than myself.

It's been fun and not so fun from month to month, year to year but through-out my years as an eirish citizen one thing has remained at the forefront of eIrish society, politics, military, heck even every aspect and that has been Conflict

It was there when I first joined in the form of the old ISRP vs IUP Party situation. The reasons for the conflict was largely down to politics. IUP representing the right and ISRP representing the left. Other things factored into this dispute but that was largely just personal squabbles. Nothing of any real substance.

As a side to this split in eIreland you had your "trolls" in the form of the "great" Mannimarco and Padraig Pearse who represented the "dark side" and then, I would say, your "anti-trolls" in the shape of Grainne (and her puppets) Kolshire and pretty much the rest of the eIreland. Of course with the anti-trolls claiming the high ground there wasn't much ground for these "troll"s to stand on and they became pretty much irrelevant.

As time went on another conflict emerged, one of much more importance. This one was about our relations with our neighbours to the east and who should have control over Northern eIreland. Nowadays the idea that NI should be eIrish is normal enough and relatively accepted but back then it was like shooting yourself in the foot with a digital RPg politically. Countless "newbs" who joined the game where scared off by the "Northern Ireland for the British" brigade largely ran by citizens who have since left our eIsland. Thousands of posts on forums, articles, etc on this topic were had until slowly the idea of eIreland owning Northern Ireland wasn't as shunned upon. Debates still raged, arguments were had and nothing was solved. Standard right?

After the acceptance of Republicanism into eIreland there was still another major conflict to be had right around the corner. The idea of Communism was on everybody's lips in no time and once again the eIrish community was at war. On the right side you had Castaneda and the old IUP guard holding up the nooses (He had a relatively big business selling weapons on the black market) and then on the left you had the newly founded Labour Party spear headed by the Red Menace (😉) himself irishbhoy1967 and Brian Boru. This little conflict took a year maybe more to be "resolved" with the left eventually "winning" out after the introduction of Communes into everyday life. Simply, the right couldn't justify their position and so politically the Left rose to power. Electing our first Country president and for one month securing a 51% majority in congress (thanks to yours truly). This back then was a mjor major deal. It was the beginning of a new era in eIreland, it was the re-beginning of everything nearly. Everybody on our side was happy whilst everyone on their side wasn't but It still wasn't over..

Due to the success of the the Labour Party on leftist ideals the Irish Citizen Army sprang to prominence almost over night. Many young, active members joined and helped with the cause. It became world wide renowned for it's efficiency and power regardless of the weak individual strength of the unit. The weapons were provided, the best food was provided and money and support followed closely by. It was Red heaven but still the whole of eIreland refused to listen and follow in our example and so the greatest rivalry of my time evolved. The ICA vs IDF. The last stand for many. Nithraldur, Castaneda , Donovan Thomas, etc poured all of their time and effort into making sure that the IDF remained in existence. With it's continued existence the IDF provided weapons to citizen through taxes provided by the state without any requirement work or even enforcement of orders. It was quickly becoming out-dated, useless and it was renowned for being extremely inefficient as an army. Even with all the negatives around the IDF and all the positives around the ICA they were at a dead-lock until a new wave of citizen helped re-shape eIreland military. Celtictiger and Marcus Suridius. They together recognised the failures of the IDF and the positives of the ICA but understood exactly why there could never just be one or the other and so they along with a lot of the ICA leadership began the plans to create the Irish Army. A very tedious and time consuming operation which required a lot of tact. But eventually the IDF was abolished and the IA was founded. Many of the old IDF guard never got over it and soon went on to be completely irrelevant.

And now we come to pretty much present time. After the ICA experiencing a very successful stint in control of this country we backed off during the summer (We had real lives) the emergence of the ILP. After some disastrous terms as the helm we "came back" and started basically pointing our exactly what was going wrong using our own colourful language to do it. This was probably the least interesting conflict I've experienced in all my time. So far it's basically just been..ILP f**k up, we curse and tell them they're retards, they don't listen to us, make up some bull and tell as many people as they can and repeat. All very mundane.

The point of this article, other than to make a few personal jabs, is to show eIreland that we've never had unity. We've never had peace, It just not something we do here on this Island and I just want to say that this isn't a problem. The lack of unity isn't a problem.

Right now we have a Country President who was elected on the premise that he would bring Unity to eIreland. Do we have Unity on eIreland..heck no! Has there ever been a CP who has promised Unity before..heck yes!..Has a president ever succeeded in bringing unity to eIreland? Not even close.

MUFC has made minimal attempts to build bridges he even went as far to say he was elected to bring Unity against the "kunts". He openly admitted that the rest of the country was in Unity against the Kunts. I laughed at the time. Was p funny.

Ireland has achieved great things while not at unity. Most of the enjoyable moments I spent on this game was when unity was as far as away as possible. Unity is not fun. Unity isn't going to happen.

That's about it (+ a bit of a history lesson)


P.S If you are not an ally of eIreland and would like to buy weapons off me send me a message and we can work out some sort of deal 😉

P.S.S One major difference I've noticed between Then and Now is the quality of arguments. Back then you had Sean power, Darragh O F, Digits, Brian Boru, Irishbhoy, Kolshire, Nith, Top Gun, Aran Tal, DT, Dubhthaigh and a lot more going head to head. Right now there is no one even close to being on the same level as any of those when it comes to having an arguments with actual proper facts and substance. Nowadays you can argue when you're completely in the wrong and still win just because Death and Taxes, WHS, Coleman, MUFC, etc can't form a substantial argument using facts.