What companies should you invest in?

Day 1,828, 15:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Count Drakula

Hey again,

Instead of doing another domestic themed article today I thought I would do a more economics themed one. Today's article will be on the best investment possible in terms of companies (investing in upto Q3 training grounds is quite a good idea too iirc but I’m not too bothered about that in this current article). Since food/FRM are basically dirt cheap I’m going to look at the weapons/WRM markets and have a look at will make the most money for you guys. I’ll also be comparing the income you can get assuming UK wages/bonuses and then PL wages/bonuses, firstly lets look at how much profit you can make with WRM in the UK and Polan😛

As you can see it’s not worth hiring workers at all in the eUK, the only things you’d make an overall profit on is with a saltpeter and rubber but you’d still lose money having a worker(s) hired. Whereas in ePoland rubbers are currently making a small profit (it’s about 1CC per worker at present wages, but these are likely to fall) but hiring workers in aluminium mines will lose you money. Now, moving onto weapons:

Here we can see that only Q6 and Q7 weapons currently make any profit with workers (Q5 makes a profit if you just work as manager (WAM) it). It seems weird that PL would have a lower profit than the eUK but this is due to the lower weapon price in Poland (for Q7s: selling domestically in PL makes 0.72CC but selling in eUK makes about 1.37CC). Of course this makes the assumption that all your weapons are sold in the eUK (they will be in ePL) and that you don't import/export anything.

Keep in mind however that you can get 10 rubbers for a Q6 or about 35 rubbers for a Q7 so overall WRM is a better investment. Sorry for a short article today but I’ll be writing again in a couple of days time with a new article.

For those of you who like tables or changing data around, the googledoc I used for this is here:

vice Country President

Count Drakula

PS - if you're good with graphics/banners, get in touch please!