Welcome to the club Italia!

Day 722, 17:07 Published in Italy Greece by Che Greco

No I don't mean the EDEN club. Some people in this game have such narrow minds they think if you are not in PEACE you are automatically EDEN. But these people are too busy trying to hold on to their crumbling alliance and empires they really don't have time to think outside of their own interests.

And this is why eItaly has left PEACE. But as you might now you are not the first to leave. eGreece was first to start the trend. Of course we didn't actually get a chance to leave. Instead PEACE turned their back on us, like they did to you,and let our Asian neighbours invade and conquer us.

After a long liberation war, even though many former ATLANTIS nations came to help us we too stayed neutral for a while until we got back on our feet and many great countries came to our aid to sign MPPs and help keep it safe from our barbarian agressors.

So from one former PEACE nation to another I would like to wish you the best of luck in your future. You will probably face hostilities from other PEACE nations, as have we, but you have a neighbour that is ready to help you on this journey that we too have been through, as best as we can.

And of course I have to finish this article with the very little Italian that I know, which makes a little sense in this case:
Non ti scordar mai di me

All the best,
Che Greco
President of eGreece