Welcome Back?

Day 3,102, 15:15 Published in Japan Russia by shirosakura

Wow, it's surprising (and not suprising at all) that I can be gone five months and come back to absolutely nothing changing.

When I re-joined this game nearly a year ago, I was wide-eyed and hopeful that I could try and do my part and change this country better. I started a myraid of projects that I hoped would benefit the people here and promote positive discourse between both sides of our country. But after a full year of trying and trying and watching a countless amount of others come even closer to bringing us together, it always ended in the same result. It's clear that the problems of this nation are far larger anything we can do individually. But I refuse to be flushed out.

There's nothing I can say that hasn't been repeated ad nauseum by literally everyone, but it needs to keep being said to everyone out there: Don't give up on democracy! It's easy to give up and to think might is right, to lower ourselves into playing the game that now dominates the new world order, but if we stand tall and together as a community, we can in so many ways be a stronger, healthier, and more active group than we are today. And even if we were to get taken over, I would rather Japan be united against a foreign aggressor than to have our spirit divided amongst each other. This setup we are currently in has brought us safety, but at what cost? Is it worth the sacrifice of having a truly vibrant country, of a place where our voices matter and the destiny of the country lies in the people's hands?

I'm still very much burned out from literally everything, but some time away has given me the clarity I wish I had a year ago. I am rededicating my heart to the cause of freedom in this country and I call my countrymen to do the same. We can be so much more than this, and we shouldn't settle for anything less. I'd even be willing to do Federalist Paper-style essays if that's what it takes. But we can be so much more than we are now. Even if you don't like democracy, push for something that benefits our community as whole, something the people can be a part of. Do your part to give the people of eJapan a reason to stay.

But for now, I want to do what I can to help my country. I hope it can accept me once again.

(Also, what have I missed?)