We Have a Dream!

Day 2,114, 02:57 Published in Australia Chile by sirjames244

Hello eAustralians.

Today, I speak in the name of our great and powerful President, Flatty.

In only a small number of day, the election will be upon us, to make a grave discussion of the future of our sentimental country. the future will be left to all of us, a responsibility given to all eAussies, from when the arrive on our shores.

There are many hurtles our country needs to over come, our territory, ensuring our senate is stable, and to make sure the old problem, like what happened last time (shield) does not ruin our perfect states.

I have a Dream, that one day, all members in the House of brotherhood may look upon their country all green, with all states under their command, that they may trade, chat, and fight, with a strong country upon their side, a country not fazed by the big, and powerful countries looking at them with hunger in their eyes, we will not break to them.

Nicky6Fingers bringing supplies to our brave Warcrew troops.

I have a Dream, that all eAussies, gain each other trust, and respect, no matter the way of their speech, or the sour of their tongue, to make our strength in number to maximum, fighting like a legion of blokes who know how to get Sh*t done.

an assortment of eAussie troops, including, Tim Holtz, Aussiee Bloke, Mickskitz(or shits how ever he likes it😛), and others.

I have a Dream, that the members of this resourceful country and its government, come to High terms with each other funding weapons and funding to power a war machine needed to defend our selves from the Heretics of this internet!

President Flatty, Mackcraft and myself overseeing Macks, new weapon of mass seduction (no not his genitals, we've seen them already)

Please People of this great country, when you are faced with that option to vote of your future, click the one with Flatty next to it, eAustralia needs you to, the future of our very survival depends on it.

Vote #1 Flatty for another great term of his dedication!!!

Vote #1 Flatty for another great landslide victory of our country to the eIndos!

Vote #1 Flatty for Country President!!!

thank you for reading
