War tutoreal

Day 2,008, 13:06 Published in Colombia Singapore by t0trag

This is a translation from a eRomanian tutoreal made by Naufragiatu.
Have fun and i hope it`s usefull
First and primarily intended to clarify what FF (food fights), as calculated. Although some seem intuitive for someone new, not really. 1 FF = 10 energy (wellness / health / life) -> 100 FF = 1000 energy (wellness / health / life) and so on.

How do I know how much energy we have available within a certain time? Well I take a look here:

When I write 650. Taking the cursor over that bar "energy recover", I see a message telling me that when it can recover 220 energy, a maximum of 650. Assembly 650 to 220 and gives me 870. Divided by 10 and 87 FF I see available now and can reach a maximum of 130FF (65 +65).

To have more than 500 energy recovered can purchase "energy centers" in Gold & Extras -> Special Items.

I cleared this thing necessary to discuss razoaie. They are of two kinds big and wide and a questionable third guy a little wider, as follows: wars of conquest (war from now on), wars of resistance (RW from now on) and airstrike (AS from here before) to be included in the first category.

Wars of conquest. They are also called the direct fight with the two warring countries and their allies can fight the MPP's (mutual protection pact / alliance signed by the state) and can be triggered in two ways: a) a declaration of war and b ) Law of natural enemies (natural enemy)

a) Law "declaration of war" or DoW (declaration of war) may be proposed only by the president and Congress participates in elections law requiring a simple majority (50% +1) of the votes cast in favor for approval. May be proposed only if the country wants to initiate war has at least one common border with the target country (eg eRomania could propose such a law on eMoldova, but not the equivalent). Also for this bill is a fee in gold (200gold + 10% of the country's citizens attacking able to fight in other words eRomania should pay about 829 gold, the amount would be in Treasury). Once it is passed, the president's initiative and has 24 hours to attack one enemy regions of the country that has the border. If the 24 hours pass and the president has not pressed the button, then Plato would attack a region randomly from those available (auto-attack).

b) The law of natural enemies (NE from now on) can be proposed by both the president and by congressmen, requiring 66% of votes in favor of the cast. In turn, can be proposed only if the country wants to initiate war has at least one common border with the target country, but do not charge any fees. Once it is passed, the president's initiative and has 24 hours to attack one enemy regions of the country that has the border. If the 24 hours pass and the president has not pressed the button, then Plato would attack a region randomly from those available (auto-attack).

Country nationals who said U.S. will benefit from a 10% bonus damage on the battlefield (but will not affect the bonus points and rank / military rank points) only in direct fighting against natural enemy.

Once set an NE, it may be canceled or changed to another through a new law after at least 7 days after approval. Moreover, we can nullify the earlier 7 days if the two countries common border disappears and one of them is removed (when the country is removed all direct wars of conquest << >> and any direct combat ongoing located automatically close).

Although a country can set more than one NE at a time, it can be set to different countries like U.S.. IMPORTANT: NE is a tool to open a direct war, not a war as a direct prerequisite to exist and / or be active.

Airstrike site may be proposed by the president and congress to vote has access law needing a simple majority for approval. It can be proposed if the target country has no common border with the attacking country (eg can not set AS on eSerbia, but we could Espana) and if necessary bread + currency available. Once it is passed, the president's initiative and has 24 hours to attack one enemy country regions. If the 24 hours pass and the president has not pressed the button, then Plato would attack a region randomly from those available (auto-attack).

More details about starting a war with AS are found here. To remember, in addition to what I noted earlier, is that if the country does not win first campaign attacking the war closes (container unit will not be entitled to the counter), and if it wins the first campaign, the war will go continue as usual.

I've mentioned initiative. What about it? The initiative is one which provides the power to decide the timing of the attack (limited to 24 hours) and the region of attack.

How to decide who has the initiative? First, if a new war of conquest began (by any of the three options: DoW / NE / AS), it belongs to the country that has approved the first law to open war. If the country that holds the initiative attack and achieve victory in the campaign, it will keep the initiative and will have 24 hours to attack the new region. But if you attack the country that holds the initiative losing battle, and the country will lose the initiative's opponents will have initiative and will provide 24 hours of the attack.

Is there any way to attack later the 24 hours stipulated? Yes, there is. In case it is decided to attack a region where there is already an ongoing campaign (either RW or already attacked another country in that region), President press the attack and fighting is added in the "tail". In the event that the country fails to secure the region shields (either the RW or direct attack), the attacker in the "tail" will start. In contrast to the situation in which the country loses defender region when the attack found in the "tail" will turn into another area available for attack, chosen randomly by Plato.

A war is what has a beginning must also have an end. A war can be concluded if a country is removed (then close all the wars of conquest in which he was directly involved), if there are no regions assault, although neither country is not deleted and the signing of a peace treaty .

Only the president can propose a peace treaty, is able to ask for a sum in gold in exchange for peace, Congress can vote and a simple majority is required (50% +1 votes in favor of all the cast). In order to propose such a law is needed to combat the two countries have no active U.S. against each other. To end war as both countries have to sign the peace treaty. When the peace treaty is approved by the congresses of both countries, if there is a fight (direct - war of conquest) in progress, it will automatically end in victory for the defenders.

Resistance machines. They are worn between the country and ranked fighters stationed in occupied countries occupied country. If citizens of other countries willing to participate in RW must move in occupying your country.

Where? In regions conquered by a country not in its original regions.

How? By moving the region in question. It takes 10 people to press the "support RW" appears on the homepage. When a citizen click button "support" Plato will "steal" money from the account in 1000. If the amount in the account is less than 1000 currency, it will not be able to support the RW.

When? At least 24 hours after the region was conquered RW or another invading country was secure in that region or in another region of the country occupied. If a RW is gaining strength and, therefore, the region returned to the holder of the right, another RW in another region will be opened immediately.

Cate RWs can be opened up in a country? As many countries are occupied (partial or total) occupying country. For example, take partial or total eRepublica ePolonia Czech eFranta, Egerman, eOlanda, eUcraina and eRomania. This means that, if observed the 24 hours can be opened simultaneously six RWs in Poland.

Maybe the same country to open more RWs simultaneously invading a country? No.

But there is a situation in which a country can open RW occupied several of its regions? Yes. If a country has more regions conquered by invading countries can open RWs in both countries. For example eUcraina can start simultaneously both ePolonia RW (in Dnipro say), and in eUngaria (in Subcarpathia for example).

Is there a situation where you can not open the RW in a region given that 24 hours have passed and it is not open another RW? Yes, two situations. The first, most obvious, is that there was already an ongoing struggle in the region. The second is a little less obvious - Crisana suppose eUngaria holds and owns eRomania Southern Great Plain. The two RWs can not be opened simultaneously, even if rules are followed thus far, will be opened in RW Crisana be either GSP. - Meanwhile, Plato decided to argue with me in the second situation and allow opening both RWs.

Often open RWs without chances to win in order to drain, to give the opponent another fight where damage to waste, so to increase the chances of victory in the battle of interest. If they are open when and where you can turn out to be some very powerful weapons.

A campaign (whether it's a war of conquest or RW) is won by the first country to get at least 83 points. Winning rounds in various divisions of the campaign can get points according to the following table:

To win rounds, regardless of division, it is necessary that one of the warring parties to collect at least 1,800 points. Points in round bar influence achieved within 50% the following table:

In the situation where both combatants have delivered equal amounts of damage, the wall being at 50.00% fixed, points will be awarded counsel. Such situations are found rather at the beginning of the round, when no one fought on either side. If RW-sized shields are considered as occupying country.

Before concluding, a few case studies.

Two countries MPP common sites, such eCroatia and eRomania. One declares war (DoW / NE / AS) other. What happens to MPP's? All MPP common sites will be lost to the country attacking will trigger when the first attack.

During the war eUngaria - eRomania we decide to sign with eMoldova MPP. eMoldova already has an MPP with eUngaria. What happens to your MPP? After being signed the MPP (MPP becomes common to the two countries) country that trigger the next fight (ie one who has the initiative) will lose the MPP with eMoldova. Both. Not others.

eRomania is engaged in an active campaign against eUngariei. eUruguay and MPP eRomania approve at this time. Citizens will be stationed in eUruguay eRomaniei the fight at that time? No, the war will turn the MPP when it will open a new campaign.

eRomania has actively NE eUngaria, but for various reasons has eUngaria active NE eRomania. During an active struggle (MPP campaign, direct war) eUngaria us on eRomania approve. When you enter the bonus application for Hungarian NE? Exactly when it was approved.

On January 7, the map in the Turkish look something like this:

If we go by the map, the Hungarians NE Turks should be deleted, and the war closed. However this did not happen and Hungarians could attack Aegean Coast of Turkey. Many thought it was about a bug. Not true. Referring to page region, we see that this is bordering Black Sea Coast of Turkey. I should or not be the border is another discussion, but as long as it's in the database and is displayed there, Hungarians attack is legally. So remember: map we use to get an idea but to calculate routes and see who, where can attack it is imperative to consult page region.

On January 3, eRomania launched an attack on the region owned by Hungarian Turkish Black Sea Coast of Turkey (BSCoT). Map shows where something like this:

The idea then was that we were going to help the Turks and their close battle with the Hungarians. The truth is that we have closed this war only if the Hungarians wanted the same thing, even if we won the campaign. Why do I say this? It was enough for them to start the next attack on eTurciei and 1 minute before being lost BSCoT ahead. The U.S. would lose it's true, but what a fight would continue and thus opened the war would have remained active. As the war was to be closed then be necessary to repel the attack to succeed Turks Hungarian, may we conquer them last Turkish colony before they launch the next attack.
So have fun playing and i hope it was usefull. I`ll trye to make tutoreal based on eColombi`s situation
Regard`s Kaze san [ PrivatKaze on irc. ]