Want to join the CAF? Are you in the CAF? HERE IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW.

Day 387, 17:58 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

Hey Canada, December is going to a crazy month so I would like to prepare Canada and resume active recruitment of Canada's army to 100 soldiers. We stopped active recruiting in the middle of last month as we needed to see who could step up and be officers in the CAF. We recruited about 50 people last month John Wilkmot, Dean22 and Derakor. So we are going to recruit our active reserve and regulars to 100 people.

This article is to inform everyone who is not in the CAF the following things:

How to join, How to apply, What you do in the CAF.

It is also an update for soldiers already in the CAF.

Table of Contents

Section 1. Joining the Canadian Army

Section 2. Benefits, Pay + All those other goodies

Section 3. Orders to all CAF soldiers

Section 1.

To join the CAF you must have a strength of at least 3.00 so if you are below that keep working on your push-ups for a few more days before you call us. If you'd like to figure out a way to double the speed of your training in-game ask Dean22, Derakor, Cesar Augustus, Coda or John Wilkmot how.

Here are the steps to joining the CAF:

Step 1) Go to http://ecanada.forumotion.co.uk/forum.htm get a Canadian Citizenship by applying for membership on the forums.

Step 2) Once you have gained a Canadian Citizenship post in the Canadian Armed Forces sections introducing yourself.

Step 3) Go here and fill out the application form. http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=prAln0CxjN_GKuesWOZgUbw&hl=en

Step 4) You will receive an "Accepted" or "Rejected" e-mail from someone and you must reply clarifying that the person who has registered for the CAF is indeed you.

Step 5) Look at your platoon placement and see what platoon your in. Introduce yourself and get to know your squad. These are your m8's.

Once registered as a Canadian Soldier if you stay active for 2 weeks in the CAF (fully active) you will receive a bonus from the government of 20 CAD.

Section 2:

Pay during days of war (from hour to hour) will be as follows:

Private: 1 CAD/day
Private First Class: 1.5 CAD/day
Corporal: 2 CAD/day
Sergeant: 2.5 CAD/day
Lieutenant: 3 CAD/day
Captain: 3.5 CAD/day
Major: 4 CAD/day
Lt. Colonel: 4.5 CAD/day
Colonel: 5 CAD/day
Brigadier: 5.5 CAD/day
General (Chief of Staff): 6 CAD/day


Wages have been slightly lowered for higher ranks so that we can afford to train some tanks for the war.

Benefits will almost remain the same but a slight change.

Gifting: You are allowed to request your character to be gifted up to 90 wellness here

You may request weapons, tickets AND for the first time Q3 food while you are under 70 wellness here:

Also, the idea has been run through and we might be applying a small change to the CAF for a tiny bit of roleplay.

Tanks who are strong will now be given a Knighthood of a province. For example it would be Joe39 Knight of Alberta etc.

Section 3:


All members of the CAF are to request weapons and needed supplies from the CND THROUGH THE supply form!

SQUAD LEADERS MESSAGE your soldiers find out who isn't active, find out who isnt playing and find out who is active. Then send the list to John Wilkmot of who to kick from the CAF and who to keep in.

SOLDIERS you are to message your squad leader anyways and report into duty if you are active.

Current orders for the CAF is to purchase a moving ticket through your own means and request weapons to fight in the UK.

Now get to it and make Canada proud!

P.S. The picture might have the flag at half-mast but I don't care it's a cool picture.