Ups and downs!

Day 2,098, 09:58 Published in Croatia Republic of Moldova by Luceafar Voievod

I We all have our moments of “glory” and our moments of “despair” in this game, so I thought of asking some of my friends what were those moments for them here.

~ Commander of Tigrovi and SPREME NJAB

Best 3 Moments:
1. Hellokitty 🙂
2. Cromania and serbia without congress 2x
3. Fall of EDEN xd

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. Lana
2. Lana
3. Tanking without limit

( as I said, NJAB )

~Country President of eChina

Best 3 Moments:
1. erep close down
2. erep shut down
3. erep bankrupted

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. erep still around
2. erep still alive
3. erep still operational.

( he’s the fun guy as you all ca see 😁 )

tasos maximous
~ Awesome member of FAR !!

Best 3 Moments:
The first was when I joined EMC because I had the opportunity to meet new and interesting people. The other 2 is the last 2 MU tournaments the first with Myrmidons and the second with FAR because even if you are not interested about battles is one of the things that creates bonds between people. There is something that for me goes to top 3 and it is the 2 erep meetings that I went, but since they don’t have to do with “game” I wont mention them 🙂

Lowest 3 Moments:
That’s a hard one. So many of them. Fist was when after V2 they cut our strength. Second was when a friend of me quitted erep I was sad about her. And the third is anything that has to do with politics.

( chatty one over here 😃 )

~ Queen of all weirdossss!!

Best 3 Moments:

1. Meeting fgy!
2. Meeting fgy!
3. Meeting fgy!

lowest 3 Moments:
1. Crappy fights among friends.
2. Lousy players.
3. eRep won’t gimme life.

( i wonder who Muri met xD )

~ Sexyest EDEN fighter EVER!

Best 3 Moments:
1. Becoming eCroat
2. V.O. Day (Victory over ONE Day)
3. Meeting the babies from 2013 Croatian baby boom

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. Dissolution of EDEN
2. Days of Bulgaria leaving EDEN
3. Any time I let anyone down

Silent Night
~ First Argy to grab all the meddals and teach them how to tank.

Best 3 Moments:
1. The most important one, the day that I met a very special girl from here, if you know what I mean 2. The day that I got all the medals (first Argie with that achievement).
3. Chile being kicked out of Terra xD.

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. I lost a presidential election for 2 votes.
2. Our national bank was stolen and a very close friend (who won that cp election) left the game.
3. Name changing, and with that...all the accounts sold.

~ Besti diplomat ever, crazy good strategist and awesome friend .. she’s HOT too!

Best 3 Moments:
1. Friends
2. Joining EMC
3. Saxony party 🙂

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. Politics.
2. Politics.
3. Politics.

P.S. Margaret is sexyyyyyy! 😃
( I think she’s hitting on Arrlo o.O xD )

~ Crazy TANK, fun guy overall 😃

Best 3 Moments:
1. Whooping FYROM when they airstriked Pakistan
2. Establishing TheJakal's way of life in ePakistan
3. Defending Airstrike from Belarus ( 5.6b damage )

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. Having to deal with whiny bitches who amount to nothing but still manage to win congress.
2. Paying FM 🙁
3. Losing Indian held regions

~ Her cookiezzz are awesome … yummyy!!

Best 3 Moments:
1. V1..Hello Kitty 😉
2. Successfully outwitting opponents while Zdlemmy was active
(he is one of those who could inspire 'passion' in this game)
3. Many friends from all over the world

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. Every day more bots/multies (especially at election time).. whatever
2. They're looking for too much money for an ordinary browser game
3. Selfishness and greed that led to the disbanding of EDEN

~ Cot aSC and a famous koala/pony/shrimp/tigress!(she’s like the “village” shaman it seems)

"Really? best/worst? There is no such a thing so I can give them a number .. But in totality I can say something ... Best moments in this game are something like "Ok I will just click you that stupid game .. yeah i don't get that weird game .. of course I won't play it, it's so silly" .. And then you realize you are still here .. And you enjoy, you are glad about it, 'cause you met so many really nice people and they are here for you every day .. It is really a invaluable thing!
And if we talk about worst moments here .. I would say that is fighting and insulting each other, mainly about RL issues .. That will be always problem here but it would be so nice at least reduce it 🙂"

~ Who dosen’t know Rompy it’s a bot !!

Best 3 Moments:
1. Hello Kitty liberation in v1
2. V2 battle in Slavonia RW
3. Deleting Loland when they thought they are on top of the world 😃

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. It is probably Greece joining TWO. Sad day indeed.
2/3. The other 2, I would have to think about. Probably something eCroatia related.


In the end I will write my top 3 moments:

Best 3 Moments:
1. Being the best-man at Atracurium’s eWedding.
2. Being part of Cromania (that rw that Rompy was talking about and many more)
3. Being part of the MoD team that deleted (for the first time) Hungary and took Romania till the Urals

Lowest 3 Moments:
1. When I dissapoint my friends.
2. Being insulted and called traitor after I tanked for my (RL) country.
3. “Fail” of EDEN.

And let’s not forget: