Untangling the future

Day 1,384, 04:57 Published in South Africa Israel by CreepyRazor

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow is Presidential election day. Win or loos this election, this would be one of my objectives/suggestions i would like to see occur.

After much deliberation, Grimstone and I (And we did spend quite some time looking at all angles) have concluded what we believe the best possible solution for the constitution revamp. At the moment we not currently making much progress with the new constitution draft and the consensus from the public is that a new streamlined and effective constitution is was eSA needs. Therefore this is what we propose:

We propose putting a team of knowledgeable, objective, proactive and passionate people together to draft a baseline constitution to present to the public and allow public input to formalize and further construct the constitutions with the help of the average citizens of eSA. Then this formalized constitution is then taken into national assembly to be further discussed and vetted by the eSA congress and then voted on.

A task such as this is a delicate one and there is no way to fast track it. We have a workable constitution in place currently and would make no difference if we were to use it for a few more weeks whilst everyone constructs our new constitution.

What we would like to see is the following. This is all based on the premise that the aforementioned people are interested and available to draft the baseline constitution

The team we feel would be a perfect fit to construct the basic constitution is:

Shiloh DeGreat
Al Kazar
Oprah Winfrey
Frank Furglar
Martin Warmonger
1 Representative from each eSA political party.

Now i am sure you will agree that, there is a perfect mix of people that will offer a wide variety of ideas which represents a variety of opinions. We hope that this task will allow some common ground whilst construction the basic constitution and at the same time offering some bonding time. We all know that for us to succeed we need to be on the same page striving for the same goals.

After the basic constitution has been written the public and eSA congress will be allowed to view it and further add or amend it. This then allows the opportunity for public ideas/suggestions which ideally is the most important factor for our constitution.

Finally, it will then be taken to the eSA congress to be voted on and hopefully passed into law.

This as president would be one of my objectives but as a citizen one of my suggestions.

Thanks for reading


Presidential Candidate September 2011