Unsurprising Rise of Gold Prices, Potential Fall of a community?

Day 1,618, 19:51 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks.

Gold. That seems to be a big topic today in eRep media. The price has shot up to a 2500CC high in many places, up about 50% (give or take) since this time last year. The economy (or what's left of it) is reacting pretty large to the announcement of Q3 Training facilities. I myself dropped the 39.2G on an upgrade. All of that gold is gold that I have not paid a cent for.

I've been playing this game since V1. I used to be a long time gold buyer back then. I never bought large amounts, but I bought gold. Close to the implementation of rising I vowed never to buy another decimal of gold again. After I realized just how much I disliked rising, I went on Hiatus until I was notified that they did away with many of the very shitty 'upgrades'. While I was pleased with the system that came after rising, I still stuck by my vow to never buy gold.

Fast forward to the eEconomy collapse, I could tell right away that nothing good could come from this. Recent events further compound those thoughts. The admins who run this game have figured out through some unknown backwards logic that they can make loads of money through people buying gold if other methods of making gold for free were severely handicapped. Instead, it's leading to more and more people quitting the game.

Have the admins ever heard of the saying don't bite the hand that feeds you? We as their userbase are their bread and butter. New players are already unable to catch up to us, so they quit. Existing players are getting tired of the shit and are leaving as well. Many of them even going to The game that shan't be named. Without players such as myself, there's no community to give the paying players a reason to stay. After this, there will be no game. The stream of money the admins rely on so much will vanish to nothing.

Business logic would dictate that earning a steady profit over long term is better than earning big profit, than losing the business altogether. Why are the admins risking shooting their cash cow? It's quite the gamble, and the odds don't look good for them.

"The bottom line is money, nobody gives a F***."

I'm willing to make a prediction; a bet if you will.. 11,000CC says that unless the admins smarten up, by christmas 2013, the game will be done. Not all that big of a bet, but someone could be 11,000cc richer come next next christmas 🙂

In the event that the servers get powered down, and this game ends, what will everyone be doing? I think I'll be investing more time into minecraft and school in such an event...