Unhinged and Cursed

Day 2,827, 15:58 Published in USA USA by as George sTrolls
Unhingement; the fact of being or becoming unhinged.

What things one can learn about oneself in an online game, even if it is played by a meta crowd, that is easily shunned. Odd that not playing the meta game, would imply being hinged...

1824 Galt Rothelan; "Bearing the corpse of a man on an unhinged door."

Cursing me, when I strive for a game not it's demise, unless...

1857 J. Hamilton Less fr. Gt. Biog.; "The disciples were beginning to recover from...the unhingement of old hopes."

What hopes were those that once swung so well in their minds...

1835 Marryat Olla Podr.; "Society is unhinged, and every one is afraid to offer an opinion."

The Top Six indeed!