TRP- From q3 to death- My sad Example - No images inside only sadness!

Day 1,619, 01:56 Published in USA USA by Daniel Cheers

Dear readers of the Post,

this morning I calculated the ROI for the brand new q3 training ground having as a starting point my economic situation that after two years spent here and no one gold bought is the following:

32 salpeter companies that produce 10800 raw wep and 20 q2 weap ( with a q2 wep factory) in cc i have every day (10800*0,14)+(20*8.1)+ 200 salary = 1874 but every day decrease the amount of revenue and increases the cost to purchase golds by MM. (i was richer one year ago than now with 30 companies less)

i do training in q2 buildings every day (except that 1,49 gold one that i cannot afford) that it means 4 SS medals per month = 20 golds. Plus one HM medal and three battle medal per month (if i'm lucky every 10 energy bars) in total are about 40 golds per months plus almost 25 by daily work= in total 65 golds/months, that's y i can afford three times training per day

Now let's do some computation:
in order to upgrade to q3 the training buildings i need 84 golds (untill 43 hours!).

if i had this amount of gold (i do not) it would be convenient spent it?

if i had 84gold now, it would mean that i could earn 17,5 str point more per day = 10 golds more per month ( 30 dd/ 250str/17,5strpday)= ROI of eigth months but 500 more str point per month! that's not bad

if I had not this amount within 44 hours?

the coast of upgrading will be 150 gold for the three buildings that i use.

How could i get that golds(remember that i won't never be a goldbuyer)?
simply not spent any gold save them each month
. = we assume that mplace prices will not fall in the future (alol =autoloughing) remember my monthly revenue was 65 gold with a 37(10+5+20+2bonus)str day training instead for the only free training 12 str it decrease to 52,5. To reach the 150 gold goal i need almost 3 months = 86 days ===> 86 days only with 12 str points per day it means a loss of strength in the period of 2150 str points.

starting from the eighty-sixth day ( when i will finally make upgrade) i'll start earning ten golds more per months and 17 str per day. Just to bridge the str gap of 2150 i need 126 days instead regarding gold i lost 37,5 golds (couse the less ss medals) plus 150 gold costs of upgrading= 187,5 gold= the roi in this case is almost nineteen months!!!
Of course after 126 days i will start having 17 str point plus per day! WOW

Did u plan playing so long? in 126 days admins will put in the meanwhile even the q6 training grounds!

this my treatise wants just to face the obvious; if you pay with credit card real money u'll get a huge advantage to the poor players like me who stupidly still playng this (game?) ...

Sorry 4 my bad english but i don't want review and correct this sad article!