Transparency: Let's Get This Done Already

Day 536, 20:08 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

For the past few months the argument over transparency has raged on. In real life Canada all have a right to enter the House of Commons and view a debate, unfortunately eCanadians have no such luxury, the best we’ve got is a few updates and archives about what the government is doing. It has been made decently clear that the people in general would much rather be able to view congress debates as they unfold. When you get down to it only the congress knows the reasons why the government does what they do, we just have to trust them. (Which for some people is a scary thought indeed) Heck, I don’t even know if transparency has already been passed or completely turned down. However I am certain that it is at least being discussed, as stated in the CEP presidential platform:

“Transparency has been arguably the most controversial issue in eCanada the past term. I have encouraged and passed partial transparency, allowing Congress Archives to be made viewable on the eCanada forums. Though a large step, eCanadians have made it clear that this is not enough. That is why, if reelected I will propose congress pass for full transparency to eCanadian citizens. All citizens registered will have access to read the goings on of your congress and pass judgment accordingly. This is a much needed step to ensure a government is accountable to its citizens.”

Even if the Prime Minister supports transparency, he does not hold the power to make it a reality. So if you would like to see transparency happen, make sure to inform your member in Parliament (i.e. congressperson) about your needs and remind them who they’re working for.