To return or not?

Day 3,749, 08:30 Published in USA USA by emdoublegee

Greetings to all

Many may not know who I am, but that is not the primary audience I am writing to. It has been probably close to 3 years or so since I have been around, and i just today got an email saying that I had a message on a forum I once was a big part of. It drew me back to take a look at this game, but more than that to see if the community that I was once a part of was still active or not.

A lot has changed in my life, and at least for now even if I were to return I would not be anywhere near as active as I once was. But it has been a long time since I have talked to anyone from this community, and it looks like the game has changed immensely, so I open myself to the possibility of at least poking back around.

As a funny aside, and to probably show how dated I am, to reach back out I logged into IRC and found it was deader than a doorknob there.

I can see there are at least a few people around to catch up with, and if there is enough reason to stick around, I look forward to meeting many more and learning the new aspects of the game.