Time to take my leave, Good Bye USA.

Day 1,230, 15:55 Published in USA Canada by Chucky Norris


Well my time here as come to an end, sadly I might add.

Not everyone knew this, but I was here only on vacation to take a break off from my country and restore my taste for this game. This worked quite well I must say. I saw new challenges here and for the short time I've been an American (2 months), I did some new stuff and met some awesome people along the road. Also being normally labelled as a Pro EDEN guy in my own country, this place felt like a change and I've been able to dwelve more fully in what TERRA is and the general aspect of this Alliance. I will surely return with a more open mind about different matter.

I've also been able to learn a few tricks in the ARMY, I'm sure these will come in Handy when the time comes to improve the Armed force of our northern neightbours. And I do hope that I've been able to give something as well in return on how to improve their own system.

I'd feel ungratefull if I didn't at least thanked those that have either worked with me or welcomed me to this Country.


I've been asked countless time why I didn't go with either the Marines or even the Ultramarines as I had the Strenght for it. However, what made me choose the Army is more the camaraderie that is present at all time in their ranks. I saw people helping out each other when we had big attacks and it was just a nice place to be. On top of it I saw many CAV friend coming when the merged happened and nowadays, the ARMY is bursting with activity. If you want to try it yourself, I'd advise you to apply for it.

On a more individual level, I'd like to thanks a few people:

Bombonato: For being a true friends and a great commander, despite being in the supposedly ''arrogant'' JCS, he is still close with his soldier and wouldn't want it any other way.

Kria Erikson: That sexy officer that everyone would like to have in their Branch, How many time has she pleased my desire in term of... supplies!

Kolv1k: Good luck with the Euro squad of the ARMY and I sure you will meet every expectation (especially in dmg!)

Custer: Keep on giving us more media! You are awesome in that regard and keeping the fire the strong.

Devill:is stubborn and keeps bugging me about his name not being in here even though he's not in the states anymore, the media whore.

Also thanks to: Jon Barack Bluejacket, Jasoneye21, The Harvester, Israel Stevens, Nxnw, Kyle Lee Octavian, Bruce Sommer, CheseHead, Doe22, RedBirdUsa,Bradley Reala.

Keep it simple guys, you are all a great bunch of folks to hang out with.

To the rest of the Milbranch: I Wuv you all!


When I first got into the US, right off the bat I've been able to run for congress and the USWP allowed me to run under their banner after 5 days I was in the party.

Despite not winning, I'm glad that they've been able to trust me from the start and give me my chance. Being in this party also allowed me to have a wider view of the political scene without my fellow soldiers.

All in all I'm glad that I've chose this party that is filled with enought quality people to fill 2 congress batch. If you want to check them out, I'd advise you to go to #uswpchat , even if you aren't looking to join, it's still a nice place to hang around and have some fun.

Special thanks to: Lex_luthor1, Hadrian_X, Cerb, Pfeiffer.

I think when I'll return to Canada I'll stay a member of the USWP, if that's still posible ingame, last I recall it was possible with different citizenship.


A big thanks to FEC for allowing me to work with them a bit and to the following people:

Zyria, Soren_Nelson, Justin Mccravok.

Also while I think that the media is going downhill a bit, USA still plenty of great writters and one of my favourite in all this being Anatharic. Don't stop writting and do your what you do best, Media Mogul is just a step away.

I'm sure I left out some people, sorry for those that I did.

Well, I think that it is all, I know, quite a list and some probably fell asleep right in the middle of it, but I had to show those people I cherish the time we hanged out together.

Now I salute you America, I shall be watching from the side lines. I won't be a stranger and some will probably still see me on IRC. I'm not sure where my road will take me, I'm looking at partaking in the next Canadian Cabinet as Minister of Foreign Affair, we will see how this one pans out.

Chucky Norris
Retired US ARMY Ranger