Time to step up to the plate...

Day 1,374, 04:46 Published in South Africa Israel by CreepyRazor

Let's keep this simple. And short.

Why run for CP and give up all that profit in Poland?
When I believe in something enough, I will sacrifice anything to help. Even my account as I have already proven.

What do I believe in so badly that I would do that?
Cabinet. We're busy drafting a plan to make it less confusing and more active.
I've been hanging around cabinet for ages and still don't know what half does or who they are.
More transparency and more active ministers top of the list.

I tried reading it. After the first chapter my eyes started watering. Halfway into chapter 2, my eyes started closing automatically and just refused to read more of it.
It's verly confusing, long-winded and in some cases as effective as a teabag in a bar fight.

For their sins I'll have Frank and Belea, and one or two people I still have to ask, working on simplifying it for us lesser, mere mortal beings.
It will be done with Congress' help and input as Congress will have to pass the final product.


This is mostly Grimstone's plan and will be his main responsibility during the term.

We want to expand our alliance with Brazil and included more Southern Hemisphere countries like Uruguay, Argentina, Aussie and even those fellers in Peru if they want to.
A Southern Alliance to protect each other and add another dimension to the game.

We got nothing to lose in this, but everything to gain. New friends, long term security for eSouth Africa and maybe even a chance to get back at them Japs.

As before I wont micromanage things. I believe you should set goals for people and let them get their on their own.

I also had to make a promise not to post any New Citizen Messages that will get me banned....
Wee technicality there I'll be working on as well.

In the next article I will outline our plans for the intended reforms and my proposed cabinet.

That should raise a few eyebrows.