Time to get back on track!

Day 2,198, 16:43 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Hello guys and girls,

For those of you who don't come on IRC, I am back. I saw many new people when I came back last week. I am Anant if you don't recognize me but you have been here for a while. 🙂

Doesn't it feel great to have your own independent country??

I have been off from the game for about 2 years and I've been coming to terms with all the changes, both i game and also in eIndia's relations with everyone.

First, I need suggestions on which party to join. I was the first PP of DPI which got changed to Yuuva, so I am naturally inclined to "In memory of DPI" 😛

In the coming days, expect articles from me on various subjects like Economy, Politics and Military. Sorry, can't put everything here at once.

Also, if you want to become the President one day (many of us have that ambition 😉 ), get in touch with our Foreign Affairs minister to be appointed as an ambassador. That's a great beginning 🙂

PS: This article is in the First steps section to target new players.

Yours always,
Lord Bernin