The Young Patriots - Not a Birthday Party

Day 2,498, 21:40 Published in South Africa Serbia by Stormjaer

After some help and guidance I am proud to stand up as president of the Young Patriots and bring you the following very good news!
The good news is, you are now at the right place!

As a younger player, trying to get the hang of the game whilst growing stronger and finding your feet can be daunting.
The Young Patriots was created to ensure strong political, military and economic guidance for new players, and also to support any other political allied force in our military unit, the e South African Armed Forces.

I like the standard description of the word Patriot:
“A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors:”

We then herewith promote the following:
• To fight and stand up against all cheating by way of multi’s
• To support all players in the eSAAF (eSouth African Armed Forces)
• To Support other political parties associated with our MU
• To help younger players grow and become stronger
• To follow when led and to lead when asked to stand up
• To enjoy doing all of the above

And last but not least:
To MOER* as hard as you can when needed.


*Moer* : To hit someone so hard, that their children will feel pain. (If they can still make any after being Moerd*😉

**Moerd** : Thats what you'll get if you mess with the eSAAF