The Winds of Fate are a'Blowin...

Day 1,773, 21:18 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

How's it going, folks? I promised I'd keep the public informed, and here I am, giving out more information so I look like a good person so I can get your vote and begin my dictatorship when I run for office to keep all of you in the loop, as well as to get me some free publicity, since I'm desperately in need of public approval!

So after some discussion about a plan to NE Spain to relieve pressure on our Colombian allies as well as to help Portugal free themselves from occupation, there were a few players that agreed with the idea. However, there were quite a few players hesitant to attack Spain, due to a variety of reasons. We most likely will not be directly attacking Spain and supporting Colombia and Portugal in the coming days, though of course we will continue to give help indirectly through the Colombian fronts as well as through RWs.

Another plan altogether has picked up steam to relieve the general boredom felt by the Canadian people. A war on FYROM has been proposed. There are a few good reasons for such a war. The major benefit to such a war would be to help improve relations with America.

Yes, I know. Haven't our relations with America soured as of late? Why should we help them? Despite our strained relations with our southern neighbors, many players on both sides have shown a desire to bring our two nations back to the level of broship that we once had not so long ago. It's both a bro thing to do as well as good strategy. We don't want America running around our lands hunting down our moose do we?

This will also help clear out some of our less desirable MPPs. Even the greatest lover of Temujin will say that we won't be keeping the Indo MPP when he eventually gets impeached decides not to re-run for office. And this also clears our MPP with Bulgaria. While Bulgarians won't be happy, I'm of the belief that MPPing with neither Bulgaria nor Turkey is in our best interest. MPPing with Bulgaria causes conflicts with EDEN, while MPPing Turkey will anger our friend, so neither MPP is worth the drama and the 10k.

And if you weren't convinced yet, think about it this way. America fully intends on going to the depths of hell (the Balkans) to show the Macedonians a lesson or two. So they're fully focused on pushing into Europe ASAP and letting the RWs do their work, which means that we won't be doing any invading. We'd most likely be only fighting to clear up FYROM's North American presence, notably in Pennsylvania. So while our fighting will help America and earn their trust, we won't be in much danger, and we'll be able to finish our war quickly.

Which comes back full circle to a Spain NE. We can easily declare war on FYROM, win a few battles, finish up before a week's time, and then go overseas and beat up some Spaniards! I want to help Colombia and Portugal as soon as we can, but taking advantage of a chance to help America and improve our relations is something we also ought to do! Go broskis go!

Until next time, take care!

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