The State of eUK Politics - Issue 01 - 08 Jun

Day 2,757, 14:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jake Lee Blakeway

“The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly' meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.” – Larry Hardiman

I will put my hands up and admit that I am new here. I am not a maestro of knowledge and I most certainly don’t claim to be. However being new can be an enlightening process to go through. I entered the eUK with no knowledge beforehand of the political scene. I can most certainly say I have seen a lot during this prime ministerial election, although a lot of it has boiled down to one thing – The identity of the King William The Great.

Because I am new here, I don’t have enough information to form my own solid opinion yet. King William hasn’t done anything to offend me, or make me think differently of him. I do accept however he has annoyed other people. This article isn’t about the true identity of King William however; it is about how the election went down.

Suffice to say, three days before the vote, the news feeds exploded with article, after article, after article, slamming the opposition candidate’s identity. To make matters worse, the opposition threw fuel into the fire by commenting on every single one and posting their own comebacks.

Is it me? Or does it seem like elections are no longer about politics anymore?

Not once did I come across a party trying to attract votes by suggesting ideas, or making promises. If there was one it was a small drop within a much larger pond. It was almost as if both sides had ran out of political steam and decided the best way to dispose of one another was to start slinging mud at each other like animals.

Even post-election it seems as if things are going to be a bumpy ride. With King William being the main opposition leader there doesn’t seem to be an opposition party. The only big party which isn’t supporting the current government is the 5th biggest party: The BDP USP – My party. Well not my party; the one i am currently in. And I can tell you, our party seems to be so deep in King Williams’s pocket that we just sit there doing nothing. That is one of the reasons I threw myself forward as a candidate for the Party Presidency. Someone must form a political opposition – bring politics back to the front. Let’s talk about what matters to the eUK.

I seriously doubt I will win the presidency, or for that matter even get a vote except my own. But the whole process is to just prove that we need to talk about politics. We might not all agree about what direction to go, or whether to pass a law or not, but if we all agree that we need to work for the best interests of the eUK, we can most certainly start making some progress.

If we don’t do something about this mudslinging bitchiness in elections, before you know it, we will be deciding between Joey Essex and Katie Hopkins… *shiver*

I want to end this by congratulating Fataliix and the UKRP on another victory. You must being doing something right to be elected a second time. Who knows, maybe one day we will meet at a Party Presidents luncheon or even at Congress (Highly wishful thinking there Jake on both counts).

That’s it for today. My next article will be my official manifesto launch for the BDP-USP Party Presidency. There will be cakes and free wine – If I can get past all the import taxes. Until tomorrow -