The return of Krimpie and friends

Day 1,225, 19:00 Published in South Africa Israel by CreepyRazor

Two months ago I asked you, in the guise of Krimpiekat, to vote not for me, but the team behind me.

Due to circumstances I never got to finish my term. I feel like I have a lot of unfinished work that needs doing, therefor I will ask you to vote for me and my team once more.

As VP this time round Gabriel Borien will be running with me. Not only is he my oldest friend on eRepublik but he’s also been playing this game longer than me. He has experience in both the political side of the game, being a former SA president himself. Having been second in command of US Airborne more than qualifies him military-wise.

I first “met” Gabe when I started working at his company on my first day playing eRep. We’ve been working together ever since then in one form or another. Sometimes he ended up being in charge, other times it was me. We have a lot of practice at it.
It makes for an experienced team that’s hard to beat

Our main aims would be working on continuing relations with Spain Poland and Hungary, while continuing to explore the alliance questions.
Concluding the Peace talks with Brazil. I would prefer a contract between us be to the advantage of both sides. eSouth Africa, and more specifically eSAAF could put that rent money to good use.
We have defensive MPPs protecting us from invasion, but let’s be honest here, we cant afford it as a long-term solution. eSouth Africa does not have the tax base to cover that much gold each month.
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade.... So instead of bankrupting ourselves in a hope that we can protect ourselves against a Brazilian invasion, why not let them have the territories and get rent from it?

To my opponent Shiloh, good luck. I hope we can work together no matter who wins. Good luck with your campaign and may the best Krimpie Leewas man win