The republican party of Australia, My views on there policy's

Day 852, 00:56 Published in Australia Australia by James Rellori

I would like to take the time to talk about, One of Australia's smaller political party's.

The republican party of Australia is a political party of Center-right Libertarian.

&quot😉uring the January Party president elections, the party was swamped with new members who voted for Tecchi, a recent member. It is believed that Tecchi bribed these people in order to establish his own party, "The Order of the Knight's Techlar". The party died soon after he took control."
-From the Erepublik Wiki Page on the republican party of australia

Their view on the economy...

I will be taking quotes out of it, for the full link to the article, Click the text above.

"income taxes in Australia are too high, Simple as that. The government takes far to much money away from hard working Australians."

Yes i agree, Income taxes are too high, We need to lower it, By having it high, We are driving away needed citizens.

Many today are upset about low wages, low prices, and a weak Australian Dollar. I say enough is enough. Lower taxes give more money to the tax payers pockets, which allows them to buy more things, which drives up company profits which will allow GMs to raise wages.

If we lower taxes, We will be ahead, We will be able to afford to feed and house, New players will like Australia and not be turned away from it like Ive heard some are now.

I was talking to a group of people on and they where originally deciding if to go to Australia or South Korea, They chose South Korea due to lower taxes.

Protective Tariffs help Australian business greatly. Here in Australia we are blessed with 2 High Diamond and 3 High Grain regions. Yet we have 50% on diamonds and 10% on grain. This is simply unacceptable. We MUST protect Australia business with 99% Tariffs on Diamonds and Grain to protect our most precious resources.

I certainly agree, Why so high on diamonds and low on grain, Is it because we have more interests in diamonds? Is grain not wanted?

The VAT is a tricky thing. However, the Republican Party is open to all ideas about how to effectively use the VAT tax. One suggestion has been to lower Income Taxes to 5% but raise the VAT taxes to around 27%. Another idea floating around this party is to raise VAT taxes to 10%, but in tandem with a lower Income Tax. This is seen as a way to still raise a good amount of revenue for the Australian Government, as the citizens of Australia will no doubt start to buy more. especially with V2 right around the corner.

I certainly agree, VAT is a tricky thing and i know me and alot of people will spend, spend, spend with V2 coming out.

Here at the Republican Party, we feel that the government is a beast that must be tamed, one that we must stand up to - not back down against. Be it by government workers own intentions, or by simple, unintended errors - Government grows. A lot. We stand for comprehensive stands against the budget, fiercely attacking any waste found and pushing for a smaller budget when ever one is presented. However, this does not mean we want to start cutting everything off. We stand for a very Strong Military force. This can only be achieved with a large military budget.

Like i said in my defense article, We need better budget on defense and yes, Goverment grows, We only at 5% of our power that we could be at.

Thank you

James Rellori
Australian Political News