The Platform Pauper Strikes Again

Day 718, 18:05 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

Over the last few days I have had some messages come my way from people who feel that my questioning of William Duncan and his last minute platform delivery, is unfair. I am being told that I am simply an angry CPF member who is drinking the wine of sour grapes because my candidate did not win. It has been suggested that I drop it and move on...leaving the issue to die on the table.

Now, let me set the record straight. I am certainly not angry. It takes a lot more than an online vote for an online game to get my blood boiling. Also, I am not the least bit bitter. Our candidate did not win, this is true, and there is nothing I can do about that...this time. From this loss I have learned a great deal about the political landscape in eCanada. Lets however cut to the chase here. Here we go.

My issue is that I believe my concern about the platform delivery coming at the 11th hour, is a concern that is not exclusive to me. It appears that many citizens agree that the timing and lack of respect for the democratic process by William Duncan is something worth calling out in public. If I see something that is clearly questionable, why should I mute myself? Is this not a free country where the common man and woman can ask questions of their elected officials? Is that not one of the most basic of principles in a democratic society? Does William Duncan really need people to jump in for him to attempt to cut me down by private message like some kind of back alley thug? The more Mr. Duncan avoids these questions, the more it appears that he is hiding from his public...attempting to wrap himself in the warm blanket of his voting base. Where are you Mr. Duncan? Why do you not face your public and answer this most basic of questions? Do you not care about my vote or the vote of those who share my feelings on your platform snafu?

In this reporters humble opinion, I think it would have been best for Mr. Duncan to swiftly come in, apologize for the lack of respect shown to the voting public and then move on. Instead, there has been no official response from the office of the PM and instead, there has only been a litany of both positive and negative messages.

If this is truly a democratic and free society, then let the Prime Minister come forward and answer his critics. I did not get a chance to criticize his platform and now it appears I am being blocked from criticizing his lack of presence. All I ask is for an honest and informed response...I am clearly asking too much.

Yours In National Unity

Acacia Mason