The One Problem with Dictatorship

Day 2,691, 12:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Delaney OGallagher

Everyone in the chat has been blowing up about wether or not to join the fight against dictatorship and democracy and honestly I can only hate dictatorship for one reason with out being erratic and u logical. Dictatorship makes it easier to pass laws that help the country. It makes it easier when having loyalty because you only have one leader. And it helps fill positions of other needed jobs because we don't have as many needed political jobs. My only problem with it is that they claim that they can take back invaded territory but just because our country agrees with the dictatorship doesn't mean that bigger non dictatorships will and it will make us a bigger target for those countries trying to liberate especially the U.S. the exact country we are trying to protect ourselves from but have already initiated a peace treaty. So although this dictatorship seems great and probably is good in the short term, long term wise I plan on probably publishing to you guys on sadly 😭😭 foreign soil for now Irish Supremacy!