The next main objective of Asteria

Day 2,588, 23:01 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Nane Vutov

Българският превод е тук.

Devotion, duty, valour, dedication, patriotism – these are the things that can win any battle. Any battle but not the war...

GO! GO! GO! Throw everything! Last minutes! Everybody, hit now!

It is almost as if we can hear the noise of the weapons. Excitement and anticipation is everywhere. The battle is not over yet, just give a little more! And finally! We won! The battle is over. Hurrah!

Yes. The battle is over. But the final outcome of the war is not known yet. There is another front where the outcome of the war is going to be decided. A quiet front, hidden and sometimes dark. A place, where experienced players are fighting against naive and immature presidents. A field of far-seeing moves, intrigues and false promises.

Sirius died. Irreparably. But was Sirius defeated on the battlefield? No. During its existence Asteria made several smart moves while the other side was handicapped by the stupidity of Aurora and the total lack of team spirit of Sirius.

Things didn't start well for Asteria – Hungary left the alliance only days after its formation. This was a perfect opportunity for Hungary to change sides. And what do you think the allies of Hungary did? Did they support Hungary? Well, no. On the contrary, they gave a wink at Bulgaria suggesting that it will be ok if Bulgaria attacks Hungary. Hungary was defeated and... secured in the orbit of Asteria.

Meanwhile, Sirius started as an alliance of countries that had never fought together. Nothing unified these countries except the need of damage. The alliance was unable to organize any action. At that time the only organized opposition of Asteria was Aurora.

And what was the response of Asteria? Attack Aurora? Well, again wrong! Once again the master-minds of Asteria played their game well. Asteria decided to leave temporarily Aurora at peace and concentrate at the weakest link in Sirius – Spain and Brazil. During this time Bulgaria enjoyed a full set of bonuses and Chile was on I don't remember how many continents. Instead of helping its allies, Bulgaria decided to have training wars with Romania while Chile decided to protect its "ally" Argentina and kept regions in France so Poland was unable to reach Spain and help.

At this point, the only option for Sirius was to ask USA to attack Argentina. But instead, USA decided to contract a NAP with Argentina. In result, USA was expulsed from Sirius and eventually, Brazil left the alliance as well.

Since these events the e-world has not been the same. Well played, Asteria! The former allies fight at each other. USA attacks Spain, Poland attacks USA, Croatia attacks Poland.

Above: Romania, Greece, Serbia, Hungary.
Below: Spain, USA, Poland, Croatia, Aurora.

What will the next move of Asteria be? An alliance without real purposes is doomed. The deletion of Poland was a great success and now the alliance needs another objective. Or does it?

A strange thing is happening in the e-world. USA is becoming an ally of the "Serbian" alliance. How so?

Most people who stay aside from the great politics will think - there is nothing unexpected in this, both USA and Serbia take care of their own interest.

Well, not quite. USA and Serbia can never be allies. Due to the intervention of USA in the real life, hundreds of thousands of Serbs lost their homes in Bosnia, Croatia or Kosovo. The people who suffered the bombings of USA and NATO were the same people who play eRepublik now – not their fathers or grand-fathers. Considering that a misguided missile hit a home in the capital of Bulgaria – so far away from its intended target – I can only imagine what the conditions were in Serbia.

Articles like this one, complaining about the current "friendship" with USA, are supported not only by the common Serbs but also by the Serbian oldfags. Then why?

Do you remember 2012, when Poland and USA decided to form a new alliance called CTRL. Did Serbia object this? No, because Serbia had no choice. And now? Well, Serbia has no choice now either. How so?


Imagine Asteria breaks apart right now. What the next alliances will be? You will see, it is surprisingly easy to find the answer.

Currently Greece and Serbia are the countries holding Asteria up. No big changes can be expected if Greece and Serbia stay together. It is, however, exactly Greece the country which is attracting new allies, unwanted by Serbia. This observation provides us with a reference point - if Asteria breaks apart, one of the new alliances will be led by Greece and another by Serbia.

Naturally, USA and Croatia will support the Greek alliance.

Now, remember that Poland is the second strongest country in eRepublik. At present Poland is unwanted as ally by anybody but this illogical state can't continue for long. The animosity between Poland and USA mean that Poland will go to the Serbian alliance. The fact that there are influential Polish parties supporting alliance with Serbia is well known. On the other hand, Serbia has no reason to deny Poland, just the opposite. Therefore, the future alliance Serbia-Poland is most certain.

At present Turkey is a close ally with Croatia and USA and kindly disposed toward Greece, while both Serbia and Poland don't like Turkey. Therefore, Turkey is going to the Greek alliance.

Spain is a traditional ally with Poland while USA hates Spain. Therefore, Spain is going to the Serbian alliance.

Hungary doesn't have a MPP with Greece even now. Therefore, Hungary is going to the Serbian alliance as well.

In this situation, can Romania stay in the Serbian alliance? Well, highly unlikely. Hungary is only one problem and Poland is another. Add to this the fact that the traditional allies of Romania will go to the Greek alliance and we see that Romania will go there as well.

Argentina and Romania go in pairs. Add to this the animosity between Argentina and Poland and the fact that the good feelings between Argentina and Turkey are well known and we can see that Argentina will go to the Greek alliance.

By the way, did you notice how during the recent operation of the Polish deletion Argentina lost almost all conquered regions while at the same time Serbia restored its Empire and its bonuses. On top of that, while Argentina was fighting in the cores of Poland, Serbia decided to go for the French rubber first and only then north toward Poland. Serbs are selfish, aren't they? Or maybe Serbs knew that Argentina was about to ally with Greece and become their future enemy? Let me reveal something from the secret logs of Asteria. Serbia wanted to go north but the Greek agents insisted that Serbia had to go for the bonuses first. The Greek oldfags are smarter than the Serbian oldfags, don't you think?

What is the conclusion from all this? The only certain allies of Serbia among the strong countries will be Poland, Hungary, Spain and Macedonia. The Greek alliance will be able to delete Serbia and to keep Serbia deleted.


In this section I decided to give advices to some countries.

Greece. Basicly, my advice to Greece is the following – do whatever you want. That's all. Don't leave Asteria. The more you enjoy your stay in Asteria, the more the situation will become unbearable to Serbia and eventually Serbia will be forced to leave the alliance. This will be better for you than if you wait for Asteria to break. As a bonus you have the chance to get allies such as Slovenia which otherwise will go with Serbia.

Serbia. Of course it will be good for you to have Bulgaria as an ally – not just for the damage, but mostly due to the geographical position. Nevertheless, I recommend you to focus on Chile. If you have Chile, you get Bulgaria as a bonus.

In the past the countries in South America had a common semi-alliance. Chile and Argentina had a NAP and each country had to protect the bonuses of the other. This didn't work as planned because the countries belonged to enemy alliances. Nevertheless, the prospect of Chile and Argentina restoring their pact while belonging to friendly alliances becomes once again a possibility. This is a very dangerous situation for you. Try to use your influence in Asteria (while you still have any) in order to provoke some conflict between Chile and Argentina. This will ensure that Chile will be your ally or at least neutral towards you.

Poland. Serbia doesn't have interest to keep you deleted, so don't worry. Of course, Greece and USA will try to help Argentina but I am sure you will have your freedom. After you free yourself, just watch the show and enjoy your new bonuses from Scandinavia. You will enjoy fighting Russians in their resistance wars, won't you?

USA. No, I am not giving any advice to USA. USA is a country ruled by mighty oldfags and agents of oldfags. If you look at the MPPs of USA, you will realise that they knew the future state of the e-world much earlier than the author of this article. They don't need my advice. 🙂 Ever since the deletion of USA during the war between CoT and TWO, USA is waiting for its revenge. USA want to delete Serbia, they have planned for this carefully, waited patiently and now they can get what they want.

Aurora. My dear friends from Aurora, don't be afraid to ally yourself with countries from Asteria. You will betray no one. Some of your most important future allies currently are members of Asteria. Contact them now, you don't have to wait for Asteria to break or for Serbia to leave.

Bulgaria is the strongest country whose position among the future alliances is totally unclear. The Bulgarian society is very divided with respect to its attitude toward Serbia – for a long time some politicians are lobbying for an alliance with Serbia while others don't even want to hear about this. Therefore, the next elections for president will be crucial.

This is the advice I will give to the governments of Bulgaria (present and future). Regardless of what you think about Serbia, try to keep Bulgaria neutral. Don't collect MPPs only from the Greek side or only from the Serbian side – you have the unique opportunity to have MPPs from both sides. If you do this, the well being of Bulgaria will be secured – let them fight between themselves.

During the last months Bulgaria was surrounded by enemies. Each of these enemies has more damage than Bulgaria. The only reason we have been able to fight them (more or less) is that we have good friends, friends who have never asked from us something in return. Now it is time to return the favour. If we are smart enough and keep ourselves neutral in the future great war (which doesn't concern us anyway), we will be free to help our friends.

Be prepared to hear promises from both sides. Disregard them. They can promise us help in order to fight against some country (Greece, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, whoever) but these promises mean nothing. They will help us but only for as long as they need us. After that we will become fully dependent on them because we will have to rely on their damage in order to defeat our enemy. When they decide to withdraw their help, don't call them traitors. They won't be traitors but rather we will be the fools.

We should stay out of the big wars and if we want some fun we should use air strike and go wherever we want in order to do whatever we want.


A traveller from the future came to me and told me everything about the future. The reason he asked me to write this article is that he wanted to change something in our future (and his present). So, yes – this will be the future. Or no, now that I am publishing this article, I am changing the future. Maybe it is more correct to say that this was the future before the article but now it no longer is. But how can we say about the future that "it was". The future is in the future so it is more correct to say about it that it "will be". Oh, temporal mechanics is giving me a headache.

Anyway, one last advice. There is nothing like a good problem to spark the synapses, is there? To open the mind to new possibilities, new ways of seeing things. Of course, one must always confront self-doubt and fear. But that is a small price to pay for the... exhilaration of finding the perfect solution. Is this article an escape route, or is it a trap? Do they know that you know that they know? It is the best kind of puzzle - pure tactics, psychology.

On the picture: Kurros is talking to captain Janeway.

Oh, I was about to forget to write what the next main objective of Asteria will be. Well, the next main objective of Asteria will be to delete Serbia.