The Loonie Stabilizes? What do You Think?

Day 730, 11:19 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter">

It may well be too small of a window to know for sure how long it will last, but the last 2 days has seen the Loonie stabilize at .033 gold/CAD (1 gold = 30.30 CAD).

This newspaper believe this is because the William Duncan government has put almost $18000 CAD on the market at this price. With this sheer volume of CAD offered, it should prevent much movement one way or the other. This is because no one is likely to buy a CAD for more than this price, and anyone who offers less than this is going to see their offer snapped up so quickly that the predominate offer will still be the one offered by the Royal Canadian Mint (not to mention the seller would be losing money at the cheaper selling price).

So while we here at the The McGee Herald say "Kudos" to the Duncan government for preventing the Dollar from rising any further, the government could easily bring down the price of a CAD by lowering their price. Other offers would have to follow suit, or suffer the consequence of being ignored.

So reader, what would you like to see happen? A higher or lower CAD and why?