The journey begins

Day 2,422, 03:49 Published in Australia Australia by AwesomeSal

Hello is anyone out there? Maybe Im talking to myself we'll see.
I'm Sal and I think I'm pretty awesome 🙂 Not really but it's nice to think that. How are you doing tonight Australia? If you're like me you will be huddled up on a couch with a blanket and the fire going or a heater or a reverse cycle air conditioner. Got down to -2 last night.
This is unusual weather for where I live because it's always warm even in winter. The nights are cold but this is new. Climate change, oil change, change of clothes brrr it's still cold.
This is my first article. Not all pretty with pictures but I will learn how. I'm not a big time guru just a new player finding a way to leave a mark.
Hello to my party and army friends and thanks for the welcome 🙂

Toodles for now