The Fed Revival, Part II: Maintaining Progress

Day 664, 23:21 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

Although most parties had elected strong, reasonable leaders and had begun to focus on self-improvement for the sake of the nation, some people have questioned whether the new atmosphere would be able to last. Could we possibly maintain the desire for cooperation and focus on public service? How long before we fall back to the destructive bickering that crippled the country in peacetime?

We still don't know the answers to those questions, but the Federalist Party has gone to great lengths to help solidify 'service politics' as THE way we do things in the eUS. It is how we have interpreted the fundamentals of federalism for application in this virtual world. Parties are more than election machines, that's where we live in the eUS. My hospital is located in Florida, but I live in the State of the Federalist Party. Pretty much everyone can get a job in the party, and all of those jobs are related to member service. We are self-sustaining.

New people join this game because they want to get involved in something. Not everyone that is 2-clicking is doing so because they're burned out on ruling the world. Most of this game exists off-site and the actual game itself is somewhat complicated to understand. Not only that, but seeking out the information takes way more effort than it should. People are able to join a party at level 7, meaning they've been active and have shown interest up to that point. If we can stop them from becoming a zombie and give them opportunities to get active and teach them some basic game mechanics, this entire nation will be better off.

Since the whole country would benefit from parties focusing their energy on getting new members active and educated, one would think the government would be supportive of these initiatives. While we are perfectly capable of functioning without government involvement, we want this country to win, not just the party. We want to make sure that our party members are serving this nation as effectively as possible and want to do all we can to help them. We were concerned that members weren't getting the training they needed to do battle. The line to get into the Training Division was around the block and many citizens were falling through the cracks. Obviously if we want our members to be healthy and do damage, there are things they need to know. Our party is small, but we need to be sure that they know what they're doing. The Federalist Party has established a party training division in response to this need and the results have been positive.

But when our graduates try to enlist in the eUS military, will they be able to say that they have 'completed Training Division?' Technically, no. We've requested consultation with the proper military and government officials to work out a way to have party training divisions accredited. Whether this manifests itself as some kind of standardized test or training document approval, we feel it is important to verify that graduates of these party training divisions are getting the information they need to learn. President Emerick flatly rejected the idea of party's organizing in this fashion and said programs like this create loyalty, so they must remain the responsibility of the federal government. Country first. I tried to change his mind about utilizing parties for the national agenda, and I believe he had started to understand what I was proposing, however actual progress was never really made before he was forced to leave office. The Feds continue to work with parties one-on-one, but urge our new President, Gaius Julius, to incorporate parties in the current restructuring on the military training divisions and the establishment of a national communication system.

Without federal cooperation, I fear the political change we've worked so hard for will have been in vain. Parties are finally on the same page with something. They believe they can and should do more for the country and they're all working hard to do more for members. The whole concept of federalism is that parties are used to benefit the nation. If they are cut out of the loop and not utilized, then they're existing in a vacuum.

Before the announcement came that Emerick was resigning from the Presidency, Gaius Julius attempted to gather all of the Party Presidents available on IRC to talk to them about what was going on. Emerick has some RL issues and has decided to resign. Gaius will be replacing him. The announcement is going out soon. Please help try to make this a smooth transition. Why would he talk to us about this? So we can answer our member's questions and help make sure that this surprising news didn't cripple the nation while we're still at war. No state secrets were shared. No sensitive information was released. He just said what was going on because he knows people ask us. I believe this is a very positive sign. Perhaps maintaining and even furthering these positive changes is possible afterall.

I am proud of the work I have done these last 2 and a half months and very pleased to say I am leaving this party better than I found it. I wish Captain Panther the best of luck, but I know he will not need it. Our current party leadership will continue to move this party forward. I will be there to support him, just as he supported me... I am his replacement, actually. I will be taking over the role of Military Director, overseeing the Party Training Division and driving enlistments to the various branches. I will be working with other parties to help them get their own training programs off the ground. And I will continue to seek counsel and cooperation from our government and military officials to help facilitate enlistments through party TDs.

Thank you, Federalists. It has been an honor. Let's keep up the good work with Captain Panther!

Thank you to the other party presidents for seeing the bigger picture and not holding grudges- Mercurius100, DaphneLilac, Joshua Hoss, Zcia, StygianSteel, Mattoze5... you're all awesome and I've enjoyed working with all of you.