The Economist ~ Unity

Day 2,403, 12:40 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Spite313

Dear friends,

Five and a half years ago when I joined this game, I did it because the political sim side of things interested me. When I was born in Yorkshire, UK, the first thing I did was join The Unity Party. At the time it was the third party of the UK. Small and prone to compromise between the heavy hitters of the day, TUP’s only attraction to me was that it’s ingame political alignment (centre-left) reflected my real world political alignment at the time.

Over five years I watched, and helped, as some of the UK’s most famous players passed through it’s ranks. TUP steered the UK through it’s golden age between July 2009 and the end of V1, and then into the sunset as the UK and nations worldwide began the slow decline that continues to this day.

A few articles ago I warned that if the admins didn’t fix the game, smaller communities would begin to die off. Though it’s still alive and kicking, I feel that the UK has passed that nadir now. With more than sixty Serbian PTO accounts in the country (I’ve heard estimates between 60-120), roughly aligned with a party who is letting still more in, it seems inevitable that it’ll all be over soon. When TUP, the UK’s largest and most influential party, was PTO’d it was really the end for me.

I could have stayed, and many will do. To fight back. I might have done so myself, if the rest of the UK community wasn’t so divided. Even in the sure knowledge that next month one of their parties will be taken, they prefer to fight amongst themselves rather than unity to block their enemy. So rather than fight the inevitable, I decided to draw a line under the situation and make something new.

Towards the end of it’s long life, TUP began to gather more and more influential folk from around the world. It’s strong UK contingent attracted a strong international membership. Some months we had 2 or 3 CPs around the world. This internationalism for me was one of the great things about TUP in it’s last days, a feeling of brotherhood with people of every nation- yes including Serbians, Romanians and other members of “enemy” countries who nevertheless respected and supported the eUK’s traditions.

If I was going to make something new, it would have to continue the legacy of TUP whilst at the same time capturing the spirit of internationalism that for me built it from simply a great UK party to a global movement. That concept- of a global movement of players who support and work with each other across the varied fields of journalism, finance, politics and war- is something I will support until I finally bow out of the game.

And so, Unity. The Military Unit was born on the 17th of June, just two days ago. Already we have 38 members, with 30 CP medals between them, from a half dozen separate countries. We have more experience of local, national and alliance politics than many countries can boast, and we want to take that to the next level and bring ever more players into our circle.

What’s more, it’s not just an oldfag club. The MU is dedicated in the same way as TUP was to nurturing young talent- players who are ambitious and want to take advantage of the leg up that the advice of those mentioned above can give. Not to mention, supplies, introductions, and financial benefits. Oh and supplies of course, should you need them.

Nor is this unit purely military. Sure, we are rapidly approaching the top 10 units in Poland, but our goal isn’t to do damage, though that’s nice. Political support for governments who ask for our help, economic support for our members and of course military support through targeted CO are all part of our portfolio. We are here not to just make damage, but to make world-beating players. Think about it as a finishing school.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, find me on IRC under “Spite” or “Iain_Keers”. I’d be glad to talk to you about it, and whatever country/background you come from you’ll be judged equally.


Ps. Hi trolls!