The Dublin Commune

Day 2,971, 13:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cat Boyd

Published 13:09 on Day 2,971

Good evening wonderful eIrish comrades,

This article actually serves two purposes: the first, as you can tell by the title, deals with the Dublin Commune. This is a revolutionary project that is not exclusive to the RBP. All Party Presidents will be met with a formal invitation to join The Commune. Now to explain the idea.

The Commune is an alternative democratic counter-institution that is not answerable to the Country President or Dictator. The function of The Commune is to foster party cooperation and collaboration on projects that we want to see in eIreland. Why is it necessary to work outside the government? Because although state-sanctioned programs are great, and encouraged under Banist ideology, we need to take matters into our own hands if we want to guarantee social change. Creating The Commune will not only set up a place where parties can work together, but it also shifts the balance of power from the State to the Parties - which most members of eIrish society are a part of. It brings democracy closer into the hands of the people, it empowers parties to pursue national projects from the bottom-up instead of top-down (projects given to us by the State). It is a party-driven initiative and I will be messaging all Party Presidents with a formal request to join. Now this is where it gets really radical...if members in one particular political party want to join The Commune they may form their own representation, however, they won't have the seal of their Party behind them - which will not in any way affect their involvement or power within The Commune! It only means we can expect participation from them and the policy/decisions not carried out on a Party level.

Representatives are chosen or elected by their respective political parties and do not have to be part of their party's leadership.

This project follows the Banist principle of the maximization of democracy with this project being within the libertarian strand of Banism. It is our hope that your party will desire to exercise its right to direct the nation, even if it doesn't get the most congressmembers (or any at all) or win CP elections. The inner-workings of The Commune will be decided within its 1st and 3rd National Assemblies. The 1st NA will establish the The Commune as a recognized independent body counter to the State and will begin to formulate our intended purpose and goals. The 2nd NA will be a continuation of such, or wherever the members decide it should go. The 3rd NA will be when, hopefully, new members have joined and we can begin to write procedures and a code of ethics.

The second purpose is another invitation to all eIrishmen and women. I would like to formally invite active dedicated players to join The Revolutionary Banist Party and letting you know that there are positions which need to be filled. I will outline those positions below:

Vice President of the RBP: Will act as a co-Chairman of the Party. This means they will be given the authority to facilitate Party Meetings and take on personal responsibility in seeing through Party Projects.

Secretary General of the RBP: Will be the theoretician of the Party and engage all members, especially new members, in training them to understand and develop the philosophy & ideology of Banism. Materials and instruction will be given by the Party Chairmen/women.

Spokesperson of the RBP: Will act as the Public Relations and Propaganda Specialist.

Essentially all Party members will be included on one private message so we can communicate effectively with each other. All Party members, on the Leadership Committee or not, will hold the power in their voice. This is a Party which seeks the maximization of democracy within itself and eIreland. I implore you, once more members get involved, that this Party will not disappoint and will certainly make your time playing eRepublik very enjoyable and fun! P.S. I can create avatars and banners for members as well!

Banism is a new force in politics, one that will reshape the New World political arena. You can become a Banist too! Click on the link to join The Revolutionary Banist Party! Join the e-REVOLUTION!

Comrade Cat