Thailand Will Be Invincible!

Day 2,003, 15:25 Published in Serbia Thailand by WIN ALL IN

As MoFA of Tajlanda, it is my pleasure to invite all of our trusted allies, Chile, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain & the United Kingdom to participate with us, in our defense against the aggression of Singapore!

I have taken additional steps, to guard against this imminent Singaporean attack on our sovereign land, knowing that I can only rely on our rugged coastline to momentarily stun the enemy.

I have asked our Prime Minister, CyberGirl to be ready to police our population, should things get out of hand. I'm not exactly sure how she intends to do this, but as I closed the door to her breezy, beach front office, I heard her sweet, steady voice praying for weapon parts.

Next I conferred with our Minister of Defense, 0riana & forever the happy optimist, she joyfully assured me, that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. I didn't have the heart to tell her about the Singaporean shark, shadowing her every move.

Then I met with our Governor, Crno bela who sees everything so clearly in black & white, to seek her advice. She said something about Thai elephant warfare & that she would have to think some more about it. It's been hours now... I'm worried about the grip that she has, on that baby elephant's trunk.

In a bid to fire up our offense, I also called on our Minister of Education, 11anajiT to teach me some tricks. I never knew that sand balls could be so round! She threw up her hands angrily, picked up her skirts & wandered off, when waves washed away our battle lines of hundreds of sandmen, leaving not TWO, but one.

Therefore, as their Commander, I immediately put Tajlanda's REAR GUARD MU on alert, giving them the huge task of shore patrol. But there appears to have been some miscommunication, even though I used Cyrillic? My brave troops exhausted themselves, searching the surf for Singaporean submarines & the battle hasn't even started yet!

Of course, some of the more experienced among them, have taken up the usual position of REAR GUARD & while this staggering formation is fearsome, it does have some defensive problems associated with it.

Finally, after many bizarre hang ups & disconnects, I successfully contacted mrle1982, the legendary Commander of Tajlanda's elite force, MIT!! He assured me that the raucous laughter, loud music & clinking sounds heard during our garbled conversation, were nothing more than the boistrious sounds of an army of men, preparing their weapons for war!

I must admit that I was alarmed, when seconds later I received this text, “Благота, брате! Придружите нам се!Странка је тек почела! xахахахаха”, accompanied by this picture of the world renowned soldier Dzoni, Tajlanda's very own beloved President dete & the glorious mrle himself! with not a bazooka in sight!? wth?

And what is that, at the back of the logistics room? Is that a red light, back-lit stage? Why is that th heyyyy!! I'm beginning to think that mrle wasn't at MIT headquarters at all!!

Don't worry Team Tajlanda! My glaring eyes are fixed upon the coast. My chubby arms & dimpled hands are ready to pick up these ancient, volcanic boulders & hurl them at anyone who dares to touch the sand, seeping into my soggy sandals.

See that bulge in my dress? Yes! You guessed it! I've got Slivovitz stashed back there & I'm not afraid to use it!!

Team Tajlanda is invincible!!