TCO's Congress Team with Bio's, Other Stuff, and a New Hotty

Day 1,528, 12:53 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

The Crimson Order political party is proud to present its first Congress team


Ex Party President Mirek hailing from the great province of Alberta brings a lot of experience to the table. A strong advocate for the rights of bi-polar chipmunks, Mirek has fought relentlessly to make sure that this malady is brought to the fore front and receives the attention it deserves. While many think of Mirek as a recluse it could not be further from the truth, he bides his time, he watches and he waits until the right moment presents itself and he closes the deal with a firm hand and a strong grasp of the situation.


Jolabent called the North West of England home during these elections and it’s probably safe to say that she will never be the same after her stay. Her dedication to rebuilding an area that has been pounded by coalition forces can only be matched by her dedication to Sherbet ice cream. Schools that now bear her name have brought the literacy rate of NWoE to previously un thought heights nearing the 20% mark; while some may scoff at such a low number please remember exactly what she is working with.


is an eCanadian rapper, actor, entrepreneur, investor, and producer. He is the founder of the popular label No Limit Records, which went bankrupt and was relaunched as New No Limit Records through Koch Records. followed by Guttar Music Entertainment, Take a Stand Records and No Limit Forever Records. He is the founder and CEO of P. Eastern Enterprises, an entertainment and financial conglomerate and Better Black Television.


Dierios lives in a trash can on Sesame Street. He has shaggy, green fur all over. There is nothing in the world that he likes more than trash. He keeps just about every piece of garbage imaginable in his can. He loves all kinds of things that other people disapprove of: rotten eggs, broken toys, mud, and loud unpleasant noise. On the other hand, he hates the things that most people love, things like flowers, ice cream, kittens, romantic music, and people being nice to one another. Whenever someone knocks on his can, he goes into a grouchy rage, yelling at them to scram

-Decode Masala

Decode Masala has found himself alone, a Crockett without the Tubbs. His partner in crime Chochi was unsuccessful in winning a seat this term and Decode after a tearful night has decided to pull up his big boy pants and try to move on. While many see Decode as the next best thing for people to scan over his posts, this would of course be a grave mistake and a detriment to the well being of all eCanadians past and present. Decode loves long walks on the beach and is currently looking for someone that also enjoys those types of walks and someone that grabs life by the horns and never lets go.


Look out taxes cause here comes OLloyd! A strong advocate of lower taxes “O” double hockey stick “oyd” brings a little funk to the party and the party is hoping he also doesn’t bring the wrath of Rolo and gang as these two don’t see eye to eye, at least that’s what OLloyd tells us. It would be hard to find someone with the same passion that believes in what he believes and will pound that belief into all non believers until you believe, believe that.


Some say this man is just a legend that rides on a warm breeze of pleasure to right wrongs and win the affections of only the most beautiful women, and they would be mostly right. He is reported not to wear deodorant as his natural body odor is just that pleasing and that his droplets of sweat are collected in small vials to be used as a Scoliosis ointment. His recent essay's published in all the great journals touting the opinion that it is in fact the motion of the ocean and not its size gives us a rare in depth look into this mysterious man. Some call him god.


is a cocky Corellian with a wry wit, a reckless disposition, and technological savvy, who began his career as a smuggler circa 10 BBY. He went through several employers, had a short military career, met and befriended Chewbacca, and upset enough sentients to have several bounties placed on his head before becoming swept up into the Galactic Civil War against his own wishes. Never intending to stay, he left the Rebel Alliance after receiving pay for the rescue of Princess Leia Organa, but returned soon afterward to play a part in the Battle of Yavin. He later became a general in the Alliance, leading a Rebel strike team in the Battle of Endor, and eventually married Leia Organa, who became the mother of his three children, Jaina, Jacen and Anakin.

Unfortunatly we had some losers this term and from experience I can say its better to win. Its time to reflect on what went wrong, gather some more supporters but mostly kick the Party President in the nuts for placing you in a crappy region as its mostly his fault you lost.

Good Luck next month

The Crimson Order political party is currently working on changing our Standard Operating Procedure so that as a party we are more flexible in our endorsement of a CP candidate, or none at all. Please visit the forums and have your say on how we should proceed as a party

The New eCanadian Assistance Program continues to provide food, weapons, information and a great network of friends to start the game out for new eCanadians. Thanks to the members that keep on top of requests by donating what they can when they can, The Crimson Order political party has received 58 separate requests and have made 80 donations to meet those requests, good stuff!

A few people have either been donating what they can to new eCanadians or donating what they can to me to use for the program. In every TCO article these people and future donors will be listed as a note of thanks.

Acacia Mason
Decode Masala
Gabriel Santar

Party Founders are those that were among the first members and contributed 2 gold to its creation

Eric Last
C. Buzz
Jack DeMolay
Lion El'Jonson
Decode Masala
Arthur Ward